Saturday, January 13, 2007

30.12 miles, a long way...

30.12 miles…
Posted in Training at 6:18 am by jimwatts
That’s right, I rode 30 miles today, and I’m absolutely wore out! I’m very proud to say though I set a goal for today and made it, in what I feel is pretty good time. I only stopped 3 times and it was only for 2 minutes each time. I have a long way to go before I can ride my first century ride, but I’m getting there. tell you, I got so mad at my self around mile 25. The wind was blowing about 35 miles an hour right in my face. It felt like I was riding in sand. I started cursing myself and got down right angry that the wind was blowing so hard. It then made me think how many times the wind (a metahpor) was blowing in Taylor’s face. It’s gods way of testing us. I knew if Taylor could go through all that horrible chemotherapy, stem cell transplant and radiation, I could ride a bike 152 miles. God sometimes comes to us in strange ways, but I know that was a test for me and it makes me truly appreciate what all Taylor went through and how he handled it. He never once complained so why should I? I also think I should be able to turn my seat (saddle) in for assault. I tell you, that thing was killing me! I know I will pay tomorrow! You can view the information of the ride here: It’s a pretty interesting site that takes data from a GPS and computes data and provides anaylsis of your trip. Through the first 10 miles of the ride, I was thinking, this isn’t too bad. Little did I know it would get very difficult with the wind blowing 100 miles an hour in my face! Below is the route I took on my first true training run:
Here is a summary of the ride. For some reason, my GPS maxes out at 2000 trackpoints, so the first part of my trip was cut off:

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