Thursday, January 18, 2007

Today in the world of...

January 18, 2007 Day + 1387 Day +1085 off therapy
Only one more day until our little man is 6! He made it to day 41 on green light today. He is very proud to bring home his chart with the circles colored in green. I am very proud too. He just had to learn how to control himself when others got to him and I guess he did.
Once I dropped Taylor off this morning I went to CVS and tried to find a stool softener for Logan. They only had pills or a root beer flavored laxarive. Yuck! Why would they make such a crazy flavor? I opted to skip that and ask the Dr. when we go for their 3 and 6 year check ups in a few weeks. I just don’t think the battle to get him to swallow the root beer stuff would be worth the little help it gave. We headed over to school where we had to put more eye drops in his eyes. Poor little Logan’s eyes get so dry this time of year. I took him to the Dr. last year thinking it was a vision thing, but it isn’t. He had stopped doiong it and now is back at it. I will mention it again when we go, but I am pretty sure it is still just weather related dry eyes.
We went to car pool today, but no sleeping for Logan. He sat in my lap and pretended to drive while he ate a lite up sucker. His hat had made his hair stand up in the front and it looked crazy. He kept standing up to look in the mirror and would crack up.
We went to Walmart where Taylor picked out Sponge Bob cupcakes for school tomorrow and confetti cake mix for his Lightning McQueen cake. He was so excited all through the store. He picked out his own birthday gift too. He got a blue lightning McQueen that turns into a jet fighter. That makes no since to me, but it was the coolest thing to him. He got his fingers smooshed. He was sitting on the bottom of the buggy like I ask him not to a milllion times. Every time I stopped the buggy he would sit back down. He eventually got his fingers under the wheel. He kept saying it didn’t hurt, but I saw the dirty smears across his face where he whiped his eyes.
Please be in prayer for Taylor and his continued success against his cancer. Pray for all the others out there who are still fighting the fight. Pray for those who are missing a loved one or that have just started this journey.
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17th January 2007
January 17, 2007 Day + 1386 Day +1084 off therapy
Today is day 40 in a row on green light. Wow! He has requested a Batman movie if he makes it through January. I say that is fair enough. It is only 2 more days until his birthday. One of his buddies called and RSVP’d tonight and he was so excited. He is so funny talking about the party and telling me conversations they have had at school. Kids are so funny when they talk.
Taylor was thrilled to see the big sign out in front of the school said “HB Taylor Watts” Thank you Ghen Ghen and Bob for calling the school and having that done. I took a picture of it today. I am sure everyone thought I was nuts, but those small things are huge things to us.
Mr. Logan may not get to play ball this year. They have upped the price and it is going to cost a fortune to sign them both up. He has never done it and wont know the difference, so he may have to sit this year out. Taylor on the other hand is really excited this year now that he is in school with a lot of the kids that he plays with. I know he will have more fun when he actually has some friends on the team and isn’t the new kid or the little one. I guess he will always be the little one, but that is okay, he is cute!
Poor Logan had an awful night. He is so consitpated. The poor baby sat on the potty and screamed. He wanted me to hug him, so there I sat all crouched over the potty hugging him and I could feel his heart beating 90 miles an hour. It wasn’t pretty, but we got it all out and he is fine now. He actually went again a while later and I guess all was fine since I didn’t know he was in there until he screamed, “wipe my butt.”
Tomorrow is a big day in Taylor’s book. We are going to the store to pick out snacks to bring to school for his class to share for his birthday. We also have to pick out the cake mix to use on the Lightning McQueen cake for Saturday. He is so excited!
I guess that is it for us today. Just pure heavenly, normal! Praise God. Please be in prayer for Taylor’s continued success and many more birthdays. Pray for Carter who is a lot of pain. Sarah got good news, no, great news. She is NED!!!! Evan is back at the Target House and his counts are rising. Pray he gets to come home home this weekend. Pray for Madison who just had chemo and is having some tummy troubles.
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16th January 2007
January 16, 2007 Day + 1385 Day +1083 off therapy
Hi there. Today was back to business for us all. Taylor was ready to go back to school, I guess we all were. Taylor had fun at school as always. Homework time was no fun. He tries to guess at the words rather than sound them out and we both end up frustrated. We got through it though I don’t think he knows anymore than when we started. He was busy all afternoon playing cars games on the computer. He loves to do that. He is quite the game guy these days. When he first got his PSP for Christmas he couldn’t do anything. He soon was screaming, “I am winning” and he would be in 4th place. Well, he has now finished in first place on several different occasions. He is so smart.
Logan had a good day again in his new class. He has done fine with the change. He has had no more potty issues and no accidents at school. He has no problems with me coming in the room as long as I hug and kiss him before I go. It still seems so odd to see him in that class.
I had a good day other than being off all day after missing a day. I was expecting kids that don’t come on Tuesday and calling it the wrong day at circle time. We finally got it straight and got our day going. Logan slept all through car pool which was nice, but when we got home and he was wide open I was wishing he had waited and napped at home. He actually woke up right as we were pulling forward to pick up Taylor and he went ape on me. He was so mad that he didn’t get to unbuckle and play. I couldn’t calm him down, so he screamed. The boys played for a while, did homework and got an early bath. By the time Jim came in they were in Pj’s and ready for bed all they needed was dinner. I went to Gam maw’s candle party. I got some yummy smelling candles too.
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s success against this beast. Pray for Evan who is inpatient and waiting on his counts to rise. Pray for Sarah whi is STILL waiting on results from her scans last week. Pray for our new friend Pray for all the kids and families out there fighting.
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15th January 2007
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