Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 3, 2007 Day +1372 Day 1070 off therapy

January 3, 2007 Day +1372 Day 1070 off therapy
Today was just another day. Just as expected, Logan was up at 7:00 and Taylor soon followed. We have to get up and get ready fairly early tomorrow to go back to the dentist, so I am sure they will sleep great tomorrow! We did a lot of nothing today. The boys both cleaned their rooms and then messed them up again. I sorted laundry, but never did anything with it.
We went to Tuscaloosa to eat. Paw Paw is at the hunting club and that is half way for us all. Taylor got mad at me and slouched down in his chair. After a few minutes we started to get onto him to sit up and eat and he didn’t answer. We were sure he was just mad and ignoring us, but no, he was asleep. He finally got up and ate his dinner after a short little nap. He played his PSP that Sanat gave him. I was afraid he wouldn’t know how to use it and not like it, but he caught on quick and loves to play his games. He is a smaart fellow. I tried to play the “Cars” race track game and I hit everything in sight.
We are home now just doing more of the same, nothing. The boys are playing here in the playroom very loudly. They had a power ranger gun fight, They have used the ab lounger chair as a boat (good to know the thing does have a purpose) now Taylor has a hand warmer on his leg as a cast and a slinky on his neck as a brace and is laying in the floor as Logan uses the play vacuum to clean around him. They have imaginations that is for sure.
Please stop by and visit Janie’s page as tomorrow is her angelversary and her dad’s birthday. Also go by and watch Avery’s video and see her pictures with Mrs. Nena and hand in paw volunteer. The pictures are great! Avery is headed to Disney and I know she is excited! Stop by and visit Brent Nason’s family, he went to be with Jesus yesterday morning.
Tomorrow we will go to the dentist for Taylor’s filling. It should not take but about 30 minutes. We have no other plans for the day, so we will just see what happens. Our break is winding down. I am glad and sad too. I have enjoyed being off and not really ready to jump back into the real world, but at the same time I am sooooo ready to send the boys back to school. Logan will go to the 3 year old class when we go back. He is adament that he is not going, so it should be a very interesting and ugly few days.

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