January 31, 2007 Day +1400 Day 1098 off therapy
Logan and I went to the Dr. this morning. Sure enough, it was an ear infection. He has some numbing drops and Augmenton for it. Hopefully, he will be feeling better soon. He weighed 35 pounds and Taylor is 37. He will pass him before long. Oh, Taylor will be mad!
We went on in to school after the Dr. We were only about an hour late. After school we picked up his meds and I went ahead and gave him a dase right then. He did not like it, but he took it. That is one thing he does better than Taylor. He will make a face, but I don’t get the drama that I get with Taylor. Taylor has to gag and snarl and jump around like he is having convulsions. He is the drama king!
Once we got Taylor we headed for home. Taylor is convinced it will snow tonight. It is supposed to snow up north and have ice issues, but not here in the ham. However, I have made an appointment for March 30th which is supposed to be a weather day for the schools. It is going to snow or ice so that we miss school and I have to take off work to take him to the Dr. rather than get to use a weather day for it. You wait and see!
That is about it for now. Please pray for our little buddy Bradley. He fell at school today and his tooh broke off in his gum. He was in a lot of pain when he left. We hope you are feeling better buddy! Pray for all of our friends who are battling their own illness or injury. Pray for Taylor’s continued success.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
January 30, 2007 Day +1399 Day 1097 off therapy
This morning Logan has really been hurting. His ear is not draining, but he will not let me touch it to even look at it. I have called the Dr. but they could only call drops in and I already had that and it wasn’t working. We have an appointment for tomorrow morning. He cries if you pull his shirt on or off or touch his cheeks. He either has something in it or it is real infected. He slept through car pool today and again at home. You can tell he doesn’t feel good. He got in trouble with his teacher today. He is talking very ugly. He sat in time out at school and got in trouble from daddy too. It is so embarassing!
Taylor had anoother super day! He did all of his homework like a champ and cleaned up his room. We didn’t do baths tonight since Logan didn’t need water in his ears. He loves a bath so I couldn’t put Taylor in and not Logan. They didn’t do anything to get dirty, right?
We just hung out tonight. It is once again, so cold out. We all got tucked in a little early and watched TV.
This morning Logan has really been hurting. His ear is not draining, but he will not let me touch it to even look at it. I have called the Dr. but they could only call drops in and I already had that and it wasn’t working. We have an appointment for tomorrow morning. He cries if you pull his shirt on or off or touch his cheeks. He either has something in it or it is real infected. He slept through car pool today and again at home. You can tell he doesn’t feel good. He got in trouble with his teacher today. He is talking very ugly. He sat in time out at school and got in trouble from daddy too. It is so embarassing!
Taylor had anoother super day! He did all of his homework like a champ and cleaned up his room. We didn’t do baths tonight since Logan didn’t need water in his ears. He loves a bath so I couldn’t put Taylor in and not Logan. They didn’t do anything to get dirty, right?
We just hung out tonight. It is once again, so cold out. We all got tucked in a little early and watched TV.
January 29, 2007 Day +1398 Day 1096 off therapy
Monday again! It has been so cold here lately that we did not want to get out of our snuggly beds. It was real hard to get up when we knew that Gam maw and Paw Paw were in tropical Aruba basking in the sun while we were in the froaen tundra. Okay, all you northerners don’t need to know that it is like 45 degrees and that is nothing to ya’ll. Anyway, we did get up and get moving on this cold morning.
Taylor was excited to get to school and show off his mouth and missing tooth. He is all excited now that it is over! I was by myself today, but it was okay. We didn’t have a big class anyway. After school Logan and I ran a few errands and then headed to get Taylor. We met Jim at the mall this evening. We went to the Belk sale and got some good deals. We ate Chick fil a where Taylor ate about 10 nuggets.
On the way home Jim hit a traffic jam, but he was kind enough to call me and tell me to get off the interstate. It was a good thing since Logan almost didn’t make it home to the potty in time as it was. Lets just say, he is not constipated anymore! Poor fellow! He told me tonight that his ear hurt and that is why he cried at Gam maw’s house. I knew he had been up a lot that night, but just thought it was a new stage. He has not mentioned his ear until now. He seems fine otherwise, so I will watch it and see.
We got baths and got ready for bed once we finally got back home. Taylor was asleep in no time flat, but Logan was up for a while. He just played in his bed. I don’t really know what time he finally went to sleep.
I had to call the pharmacy today. I got to talking to a girl at work and found out her husband took 10mg of Singulair and that is what Dr. Ansari told us to give Taylor. I was sure that couldn’t be right, but it is. There is nothing between 5 and 10 and since 5 wasn’t enough for him 10 was the only option since I will not take him off Singulair.
Please be in prayer for all of our firends that are battling cancer or other illnesses. Pray for Taylor and his success against cancer.
Monday again! It has been so cold here lately that we did not want to get out of our snuggly beds. It was real hard to get up when we knew that Gam maw and Paw Paw were in tropical Aruba basking in the sun while we were in the froaen tundra. Okay, all you northerners don’t need to know that it is like 45 degrees and that is nothing to ya’ll. Anyway, we did get up and get moving on this cold morning.
Taylor was excited to get to school and show off his mouth and missing tooth. He is all excited now that it is over! I was by myself today, but it was okay. We didn’t have a big class anyway. After school Logan and I ran a few errands and then headed to get Taylor. We met Jim at the mall this evening. We went to the Belk sale and got some good deals. We ate Chick fil a where Taylor ate about 10 nuggets.
On the way home Jim hit a traffic jam, but he was kind enough to call me and tell me to get off the interstate. It was a good thing since Logan almost didn’t make it home to the potty in time as it was. Lets just say, he is not constipated anymore! Poor fellow! He told me tonight that his ear hurt and that is why he cried at Gam maw’s house. I knew he had been up a lot that night, but just thought it was a new stage. He has not mentioned his ear until now. He seems fine otherwise, so I will watch it and see.
We got baths and got ready for bed once we finally got back home. Taylor was asleep in no time flat, but Logan was up for a while. He just played in his bed. I don’t really know what time he finally went to sleep.
I had to call the pharmacy today. I got to talking to a girl at work and found out her husband took 10mg of Singulair and that is what Dr. Ansari told us to give Taylor. I was sure that couldn’t be right, but it is. There is nothing between 5 and 10 and since 5 wasn’t enough for him 10 was the only option since I will not take him off Singulair.
Please be in prayer for all of our firends that are battling cancer or other illnesses. Pray for Taylor and his success against cancer.
January 28, 2007 Day +1397 Day 1095 off therapy
Hello all. We kept our promise and stayed home and cleaned house. It is kind of hard to get it all done when the kids drag stuff out faster than we put it away, but it looks much better.
Taylor woke up to find the tooth fairy had taken his tooth and left money in its place. He had actually left her a dollar, but she left it for him. He liked the idea of trading teeth for money, so maybe the next loose tooth wont be so dramatic.
Logan hasn’t acted like he feels real good. He has complained of his ear hurting, but it is not draining. I am putting drops in it just in case and hope that he is okay until his check up next week.
There is not much to tell today. We just hung out in our pj’s all day. Logan is the only one who got dressed and that is only because he begged too. He likes to be dressed and have shoes on all the time.
Be in prayer for Taylor and his success against NB. Pray for all the kids out there who are fighting this or some other battle.
Hello all. We kept our promise and stayed home and cleaned house. It is kind of hard to get it all done when the kids drag stuff out faster than we put it away, but it looks much better.
Taylor woke up to find the tooth fairy had taken his tooth and left money in its place. He had actually left her a dollar, but she left it for him. He liked the idea of trading teeth for money, so maybe the next loose tooth wont be so dramatic.
Logan hasn’t acted like he feels real good. He has complained of his ear hurting, but it is not draining. I am putting drops in it just in case and hope that he is okay until his check up next week.
There is not much to tell today. We just hung out in our pj’s all day. Logan is the only one who got dressed and that is only because he begged too. He likes to be dressed and have shoes on all the time.
Be in prayer for Taylor and his success against NB. Pray for all the kids out there who are fighting this or some other battle.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
January 27, 2007 Day +1396 Day 1094 off therapy
Be sure to read Friday’s update to learn about my conference with Taylor’s teacher and his Puminlogy appt. with Dr. Ansari.
Today was the second Saturday in a row that we didn’t have kids and I couldn’t sleep late. I was wide awake at 7:44. UURGH! I got up and got ready and we left to get the kids who had stayed with Gam maw and Paw Paw. We headed to the circus which was great for the first half. Logan was up all night wanting me. I guess we have hit a new stage as he has never had a problem spending the night away from home before. He was tired and begging to go home before it even got started good. Taylor was eating cotton candy and watching with his mouth wide open until he realized that his tooth was literaly flopping out of his mouth. If you pulled his lip down it would just dangle out of his mouth. He got so upset over it that he thought he was going to throw up and ended up crying himself to sleep. When intermission started he was out like a light and Logan asked if it was over we just made out exit. I hated to leave, heck, I was enjoying it, but why stay when bone is asleep and one is begging to go. Taylor woke up when we got to the mall to meet Gam maw and Paw Paw. We went to Build a Bear where he used his birthday gift certificate to buy a tent for Lightning, his new bear. We then went to Brookstone where we played with the most magnificent massaging recliner you have ever seen. It was only $4300. maybe Jim will get me one for Valentine’s Day. Ha! We all loaded up to go grab lunch and the boys went with the grandparents. When we were about 5 minutes down the road Taylor called me to say that his tooth fell out!!!! It got caught on his lip and pulled out. How funny! He ended up dropping it and Paw Paw had to take the seats apart to find it, but we got it. It is kind of yucky since you can see the white under the cap. He is excited now that it is out, but it was a touchy situation for a while. As soon as the stress from that tooth was gone his sudden illness and need to throw up was gone. He gets that from his mommy!
Us girls all went for a pedicure after dinner and the buys went to play. I swung by to get the boys and found Logan asleep in Gammaw’s floor covered up with her pink house coat. You couldn’t see his devil horns the way he was laying:) It was so sweet. He slept there while we went to Christian’s birthday party and Paw Paw brought him home later.
It is now 10:45. Both boys are all tucekd in and Taylor has his tooth under his pillow eagerly awaiting the tooth fairy. I wonder what she will bring? I guess I better go tuck in too! Tomorrow is clean the house day so I need all the rest I can get, it will be a big job!
Be sure to read Friday’s update to learn about my conference with Taylor’s teacher and his Puminlogy appt. with Dr. Ansari.
Today was the second Saturday in a row that we didn’t have kids and I couldn’t sleep late. I was wide awake at 7:44. UURGH! I got up and got ready and we left to get the kids who had stayed with Gam maw and Paw Paw. We headed to the circus which was great for the first half. Logan was up all night wanting me. I guess we have hit a new stage as he has never had a problem spending the night away from home before. He was tired and begging to go home before it even got started good. Taylor was eating cotton candy and watching with his mouth wide open until he realized that his tooth was literaly flopping out of his mouth. If you pulled his lip down it would just dangle out of his mouth. He got so upset over it that he thought he was going to throw up and ended up crying himself to sleep. When intermission started he was out like a light and Logan asked if it was over we just made out exit. I hated to leave, heck, I was enjoying it, but why stay when bone is asleep and one is begging to go. Taylor woke up when we got to the mall to meet Gam maw and Paw Paw. We went to Build a Bear where he used his birthday gift certificate to buy a tent for Lightning, his new bear. We then went to Brookstone where we played with the most magnificent massaging recliner you have ever seen. It was only $4300. maybe Jim will get me one for Valentine’s Day. Ha! We all loaded up to go grab lunch and the boys went with the grandparents. When we were about 5 minutes down the road Taylor called me to say that his tooth fell out!!!! It got caught on his lip and pulled out. How funny! He ended up dropping it and Paw Paw had to take the seats apart to find it, but we got it. It is kind of yucky since you can see the white under the cap. He is excited now that it is out, but it was a touchy situation for a while. As soon as the stress from that tooth was gone his sudden illness and need to throw up was gone. He gets that from his mommy!
Us girls all went for a pedicure after dinner and the buys went to play. I swung by to get the boys and found Logan asleep in Gammaw’s floor covered up with her pink house coat. You couldn’t see his devil horns the way he was laying:) It was so sweet. He slept there while we went to Christian’s birthday party and Paw Paw brought him home later.
It is now 10:45. Both boys are all tucekd in and Taylor has his tooth under his pillow eagerly awaiting the tooth fairy. I wonder what she will bring? I guess I better go tuck in too! Tomorrow is clean the house day so I need all the rest I can get, it will be a big job!
January 26, 2007 Day +1395 Day 1093 off therapy
What a busy day. We started the day as usual. However, it got a little busy as the day went on. I left work at 11:15 and went to meet with Mrs. Thornton (k5 teacher) and Miss Howard (speach teacher). I feel much better after talking with them. The homework that was such an issue is really just something to do periodically to keep him from forgetting what he has learned all year. We do not have to battle through it every night. Mrs. Thornton showed me some work he has done and I was very impressed. This may not be exaclty right, but when it comes home we will post it here for you to see. Anyway, he wrote I can ride 100 motorcycles and he drote it like this, I can rid 100 motrsykls. That is pretty close, but I know it isn’t exactly what he wrote. Point being, he is doing very well at this point in the year. We discussed having him repeat kindergarten due to his social immaturity not academic skills. It was kind of hard to hear the teacher say he may need to stay back, but it was also kind of known. He is small and did miss a lot of years to gain social skills like other kids. He has been through a lot and a lot of cancer kids do repeat grades. He is also a boy and boys often need to repeat. We do not have to decide until the end of the year, so we will be monitoring progress and discussing it more. My one concern is that he is such an emotional child that I am afraid he will label himself dumb which he is not or that he will feel so “blue” about his friends moving up and him not that he will lose confidence. However, I would rather hold him back now than in an older age where kids will be cruel about it. UURGH, parenting is hard! We have a lot of friends cancer and non cancer that have been through this and we will talk to them. We also have the utmose respect for Mrs. Thornton who I know only wants what is best for Taylor, so we will certainly be taking her advice to heart. I wish she could just go to first grade!!!
After the meeting at school in which the fabulous Mrs. Thornton arranged to do while Taylor was in technology and then could be checked out without me having to make several trips (thank you), I checked him out and we headed towards Children’s hospital for his pulminolgy appt. We ran into Meredith which is always good. We got registered in the clinic and then went up to get a chest x ray. It kind of sucked since he just got one in December, but what do you do? As soon as we walked back into the clinic they called us back. He was 106.78 cm tall but I never saw how many kilos he was. I don’t imagine he weighs much more than his usual 37 pounds. We were sent to a room and did some of the standard things. He blew into the dolily for lack of a better word. That took a few tries because he wanted to suck in a second breath and you can’t do that. He finally got it though. The nurse came in to ask all the questions. We got to chit chatting and found out she lives on out street. How cool is that! Now we know one of our neighbors. She was a very nice lady. Soon Dr. Ansari came in. I LOVE him. You all know I love or ONC. team, but I have known them forever and have been through a lot with them. However, I don’t usually instantly love our docs, but this guy is great. He was not an arrogant turkey like Dr. Hill (yeah, I said it for the world to see) and he takes the time to sit down and talk rather than run in and out in 5 minutes unlike our regular asthma Dr. He took the time to explain that sinusitis has two kinds allergic and bacterial and Taylor has both. Go figure! Allergic is just what is says, an allergy to something causing clear drainage, but due to his narrow passages he gets clogged up and has sinus problems. When it is green drainage it is bacterial, obviously. He gave us good news in that we did everything right in getting the ionic breeze and all the hypoallerginic bedding stuff. However, bunk beds are the worst thing for him. He sleeps on the bottom and therefore all the dust from the top hits him. He will need to move to the top or take them apart. He wants to sleep up top, so I think for now we will just do that and maybe later take them apart and move one to Logan’s room. He has upped all his meds. If you remember the interesting study about Singulair then you will excited to know he upped that med from 5mg to 10mg. I was very happy to do that. He will not take a .63 dose of zopenex rather than .31. He can not figurte out why they left him at that low dose since there are studies to show that it doesn’t work. We will try these new doses for a few weeks and then go back for an upper GI. This will not be a pleasant test, but IF he has reflux it could be the cause of it all. Wouldn’t it be great if this Dr. found and fixed the problem that easily!!!! I promise you all right now I will kiss him if he does! We go back on Feb. 28 for the GI test and again on March 30 to get results. I do not look forward to him having to miss school again nor getting him to drink the flavored barium, but I am eager to see if we are closer to an answer.
After the clinic visit we headed out but made a detour to the blood drive and saw our good Red Cross buddy John. We also saw Dr’s Berkow, Bryant, and Barnhart. It is always good to see them outside of clinic. We ran up to 4 tower, but didn’t see any familiar faces. After all that is was time to get Lolo. Temperance made the mistake of telling me she was off today, so I conned her into picking up Logan so that I didn’t have to take him with me. Thank you Tempy!!! She and Chris were even brave enough to go out to eat with him! I picked him up and ran home to get my party stuff together and head to the purse party. I I got the cutest purse, I can’t wait for you all to see it!
What a busy day. We started the day as usual. However, it got a little busy as the day went on. I left work at 11:15 and went to meet with Mrs. Thornton (k5 teacher) and Miss Howard (speach teacher). I feel much better after talking with them. The homework that was such an issue is really just something to do periodically to keep him from forgetting what he has learned all year. We do not have to battle through it every night. Mrs. Thornton showed me some work he has done and I was very impressed. This may not be exaclty right, but when it comes home we will post it here for you to see. Anyway, he wrote I can ride 100 motorcycles and he drote it like this, I can rid 100 motrsykls. That is pretty close, but I know it isn’t exactly what he wrote. Point being, he is doing very well at this point in the year. We discussed having him repeat kindergarten due to his social immaturity not academic skills. It was kind of hard to hear the teacher say he may need to stay back, but it was also kind of known. He is small and did miss a lot of years to gain social skills like other kids. He has been through a lot and a lot of cancer kids do repeat grades. He is also a boy and boys often need to repeat. We do not have to decide until the end of the year, so we will be monitoring progress and discussing it more. My one concern is that he is such an emotional child that I am afraid he will label himself dumb which he is not or that he will feel so “blue” about his friends moving up and him not that he will lose confidence. However, I would rather hold him back now than in an older age where kids will be cruel about it. UURGH, parenting is hard! We have a lot of friends cancer and non cancer that have been through this and we will talk to them. We also have the utmose respect for Mrs. Thornton who I know only wants what is best for Taylor, so we will certainly be taking her advice to heart. I wish she could just go to first grade!!!
After the meeting at school in which the fabulous Mrs. Thornton arranged to do while Taylor was in technology and then could be checked out without me having to make several trips (thank you), I checked him out and we headed towards Children’s hospital for his pulminolgy appt. We ran into Meredith which is always good. We got registered in the clinic and then went up to get a chest x ray. It kind of sucked since he just got one in December, but what do you do? As soon as we walked back into the clinic they called us back. He was 106.78 cm tall but I never saw how many kilos he was. I don’t imagine he weighs much more than his usual 37 pounds. We were sent to a room and did some of the standard things. He blew into the dolily for lack of a better word. That took a few tries because he wanted to suck in a second breath and you can’t do that. He finally got it though. The nurse came in to ask all the questions. We got to chit chatting and found out she lives on out street. How cool is that! Now we know one of our neighbors. She was a very nice lady. Soon Dr. Ansari came in. I LOVE him. You all know I love or ONC. team, but I have known them forever and have been through a lot with them. However, I don’t usually instantly love our docs, but this guy is great. He was not an arrogant turkey like Dr. Hill (yeah, I said it for the world to see) and he takes the time to sit down and talk rather than run in and out in 5 minutes unlike our regular asthma Dr. He took the time to explain that sinusitis has two kinds allergic and bacterial and Taylor has both. Go figure! Allergic is just what is says, an allergy to something causing clear drainage, but due to his narrow passages he gets clogged up and has sinus problems. When it is green drainage it is bacterial, obviously. He gave us good news in that we did everything right in getting the ionic breeze and all the hypoallerginic bedding stuff. However, bunk beds are the worst thing for him. He sleeps on the bottom and therefore all the dust from the top hits him. He will need to move to the top or take them apart. He wants to sleep up top, so I think for now we will just do that and maybe later take them apart and move one to Logan’s room. He has upped all his meds. If you remember the interesting study about Singulair then you will excited to know he upped that med from 5mg to 10mg. I was very happy to do that. He will not take a .63 dose of zopenex rather than .31. He can not figurte out why they left him at that low dose since there are studies to show that it doesn’t work. We will try these new doses for a few weeks and then go back for an upper GI. This will not be a pleasant test, but IF he has reflux it could be the cause of it all. Wouldn’t it be great if this Dr. found and fixed the problem that easily!!!! I promise you all right now I will kiss him if he does! We go back on Feb. 28 for the GI test and again on March 30 to get results. I do not look forward to him having to miss school again nor getting him to drink the flavored barium, but I am eager to see if we are closer to an answer.
After the clinic visit we headed out but made a detour to the blood drive and saw our good Red Cross buddy John. We also saw Dr’s Berkow, Bryant, and Barnhart. It is always good to see them outside of clinic. We ran up to 4 tower, but didn’t see any familiar faces. After all that is was time to get Lolo. Temperance made the mistake of telling me she was off today, so I conned her into picking up Logan so that I didn’t have to take him with me. Thank you Tempy!!! She and Chris were even brave enough to go out to eat with him! I picked him up and ran home to get my party stuff together and head to the purse party. I I got the cutest purse, I can’t wait for you all to see it!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
January 25, 2007 Day +1394 Day 1092 off therapy
Yeah, it is Thursday only one more day of school and work. We all slept way late today, but somehow managed to get to school and work earlier than usual. Taylor went crazy when I brushed his teeth today. He said there was a hole in his tooth. That would be because it is sooooo loose that it is barely hanging by a thread on the front side. He can stick his tongue between his tooth and gums. He will not wiggle it at all. It would fall out if you blew on it, but he wont even open his mouth when you get near him.
He turned his shirt around backwards at school today. I have no idea why, he said he was just being silly. He made up for not eating his lunch the other day. I had already packed ham and cheese and he wanted a cheese sandwich so I just threw that in there too. He ate it all!
Logan had a good day too. He was so sleepy after school. He stayed awake all through carpool, but he fell asleep as soon as I put him back in his carseat and turned the tv on. He took a good nap at home too. He is still poking at his right eye.
Taylor has his Dr. visit tomorrow. I am sure I will not learn much since Logan will be going and I wont be able to hear the Dr. I also have a conference with Mrs. Thornton about his reading. He actually did great with his homework tonight, but usually it is a struggle. She was nice enough to let me meet with her 30 minutes before he had to check out. I hope he is just pulling our legs at home and not wanting to do it.
I guess that is about all there is to tell you from our neck of the woods. Please pray for Taylor’s continued success. Pray for Evan who is starting the etoposide that clogged his line last time. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Stop by and visit Joey Ard’s page. He woke up from his coma yesterday and is doing very well. www.caringbridge.org/visit/joeyard
Yeah, it is Thursday only one more day of school and work. We all slept way late today, but somehow managed to get to school and work earlier than usual. Taylor went crazy when I brushed his teeth today. He said there was a hole in his tooth. That would be because it is sooooo loose that it is barely hanging by a thread on the front side. He can stick his tongue between his tooth and gums. He will not wiggle it at all. It would fall out if you blew on it, but he wont even open his mouth when you get near him.
He turned his shirt around backwards at school today. I have no idea why, he said he was just being silly. He made up for not eating his lunch the other day. I had already packed ham and cheese and he wanted a cheese sandwich so I just threw that in there too. He ate it all!
Logan had a good day too. He was so sleepy after school. He stayed awake all through carpool, but he fell asleep as soon as I put him back in his carseat and turned the tv on. He took a good nap at home too. He is still poking at his right eye.
Taylor has his Dr. visit tomorrow. I am sure I will not learn much since Logan will be going and I wont be able to hear the Dr. I also have a conference with Mrs. Thornton about his reading. He actually did great with his homework tonight, but usually it is a struggle. She was nice enough to let me meet with her 30 minutes before he had to check out. I hope he is just pulling our legs at home and not wanting to do it.
I guess that is about all there is to tell you from our neck of the woods. Please pray for Taylor’s continued success. Pray for Evan who is starting the etoposide that clogged his line last time. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Stop by and visit Joey Ard’s page. He woke up from his coma yesterday and is doing very well. www.caringbridge.org/visit/joeyard
January 24, 2007 Day +1393 Day 1091 off therapy
Today was the 100th day of school. Only 88 more to go! Taylor had a lot of fun doing fun activities. He had to bring in 100 of something to count and we sent marshmellows. He was mad since he wanted to birng toothpicks, but I didn’t think Mrs. Thronton would like that. He got in the car and wanted to show me that he could count to 100, but he wanted to start at 11 since I knew he knew how to count to 10. He is a nut!
The morning started crazy when a transformer blew and the neighborhoond went dark. It was a big ole hassle to get the garage door open and since it was already 7:35 we were pressed for time. It was a mess!
Logan had a good day as well. We took a friend to car pool with us to meet his mom. It was great since Logan was occupied. We had a good time playing games and counting cars and buses.
We came home to find that the power was back on, thank goodness. We did homework and got that out of the way. Both boys cleaned up their rooms though you wouldn’t know it now! We went to eat at San Antonio where Logan did good, but Taylor didn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel good or anything rather he was using his chicken as a fort for his power ranger men. He brought it home and ate it later.
It is now bed time and nothing really to report other than our normal happenings. We have plans to go to the circus this weekend thanks to Camp SAM and we are going to a birthday party, so the kids are excited. Sunday is here by reserved to clean this nasty house. Yeah right! We shall see how that goes.
Please be in prayer for all of our friends and for Taylor’s continued good health!!! Pray for Evan who is back at the Jude for chemo that was started late due to creatinine clearance issues. Been there done that! www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
Today was the 100th day of school. Only 88 more to go! Taylor had a lot of fun doing fun activities. He had to bring in 100 of something to count and we sent marshmellows. He was mad since he wanted to birng toothpicks, but I didn’t think Mrs. Thronton would like that. He got in the car and wanted to show me that he could count to 100, but he wanted to start at 11 since I knew he knew how to count to 10. He is a nut!
The morning started crazy when a transformer blew and the neighborhoond went dark. It was a big ole hassle to get the garage door open and since it was already 7:35 we were pressed for time. It was a mess!
Logan had a good day as well. We took a friend to car pool with us to meet his mom. It was great since Logan was occupied. We had a good time playing games and counting cars and buses.
We came home to find that the power was back on, thank goodness. We did homework and got that out of the way. Both boys cleaned up their rooms though you wouldn’t know it now! We went to eat at San Antonio where Logan did good, but Taylor didn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel good or anything rather he was using his chicken as a fort for his power ranger men. He brought it home and ate it later.
It is now bed time and nothing really to report other than our normal happenings. We have plans to go to the circus this weekend thanks to Camp SAM and we are going to a birthday party, so the kids are excited. Sunday is here by reserved to clean this nasty house. Yeah right! We shall see how that goes.
Please be in prayer for all of our friends and for Taylor’s continued good health!!! Pray for Evan who is back at the Jude for chemo that was started late due to creatinine clearance issues. Been there done that! www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
And the 23rd...
January 23, 2007 Day +1392 Day 1090 off therapy
Today was another good day. It is so cold out and I hear from ole James Span that the next few weeks will bring record setting cold into the area. Could it snow? Wouldn’t that be fun. Taylor is ready to buy that sled he wanted for Christmas. I can not convince him that it will not snow that much or not again for years. I do wish it would snow a good snow that they could play in. Logan has never seen snow and Taylor has only seen NYC snow.
It was a good day despite none of us wanting to get up. I ended up getting dressed at the very last second seeing as we were running behind this morning. I just grabbed the first thing hanging in the laundry room. I didn’t realize until I tool Logan’s coat off at school that we matched. How embarassing. I make the kids match all the time, but I don’t want to match too. We all had a good laugh about it.
Taylor did not eat any lunch today. He said he didn’t feel good at lunch. He had a headache. He is stuffed up and I am sure that it is his sinuses and he has a sinus headache. However, it is very hard not to let your brain start going elsewhere. He came home and played and ate a few snacks just like normal and he ate a good dinner. He said later that his head felt much better. Let us all be in prayer that this is indeed just sinuses and it will end soon. He has done his saline solution several times today and hopefully that will help. He has an appointment this Friday with the pulmonologist. I hope we can get to the bottom of some of his problems.
Logan is stuffed up as well and has been coughing just a little. He doesn’t really seem to feel bad. He is still blinking really bad and is actually letting me put the drops in his eyes. Jim went to the eye Dr. Monday and though she did not look at Logan she did listen to Jim’s conderns and she feels pretty sure it is allergies. He did do this in the spring and my logic is telling me that it is just allergies and all this cold weather. Again, it is just hard to not let your brain go elsewhere even with your healthy child.
It is getting late and I need to go to bed. I am going party crazy this month. If you are interested in coming to any of them let me know, the more the merrier! Friday, Jan. 26th we are having a purse party. Put your favorite pictures on a purse. Feb. 4th, Premier Jewelry party and Feb. 24th Partylite candle party.
Please be in prayer for Taylor’s sinuses and Logan’s eyes. Be in prayer for all of our friends who are fighting thier own battles.
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Today was another good day. It is so cold out and I hear from ole James Span that the next few weeks will bring record setting cold into the area. Could it snow? Wouldn’t that be fun. Taylor is ready to buy that sled he wanted for Christmas. I can not convince him that it will not snow that much or not again for years. I do wish it would snow a good snow that they could play in. Logan has never seen snow and Taylor has only seen NYC snow.
It was a good day despite none of us wanting to get up. I ended up getting dressed at the very last second seeing as we were running behind this morning. I just grabbed the first thing hanging in the laundry room. I didn’t realize until I tool Logan’s coat off at school that we matched. How embarassing. I make the kids match all the time, but I don’t want to match too. We all had a good laugh about it.
Taylor did not eat any lunch today. He said he didn’t feel good at lunch. He had a headache. He is stuffed up and I am sure that it is his sinuses and he has a sinus headache. However, it is very hard not to let your brain start going elsewhere. He came home and played and ate a few snacks just like normal and he ate a good dinner. He said later that his head felt much better. Let us all be in prayer that this is indeed just sinuses and it will end soon. He has done his saline solution several times today and hopefully that will help. He has an appointment this Friday with the pulmonologist. I hope we can get to the bottom of some of his problems.
Logan is stuffed up as well and has been coughing just a little. He doesn’t really seem to feel bad. He is still blinking really bad and is actually letting me put the drops in his eyes. Jim went to the eye Dr. Monday and though she did not look at Logan she did listen to Jim’s conderns and she feels pretty sure it is allergies. He did do this in the spring and my logic is telling me that it is just allergies and all this cold weather. Again, it is just hard to not let your brain go elsewhere even with your healthy child.
It is getting late and I need to go to bed. I am going party crazy this month. If you are interested in coming to any of them let me know, the more the merrier! Friday, Jan. 26th we are having a purse party. Put your favorite pictures on a purse. Feb. 4th, Premier Jewelry party and Feb. 24th Partylite candle party.
Please be in prayer for Taylor’s sinuses and Logan’s eyes. Be in prayer for all of our friends who are fighting thier own battles.
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22 and counting...
22nd January 2007
January 22, 2007 Day + 1391 Day +1089 off therapy
Monday, blah. We were all dog tired this morning. Taylor is all chugged up again, blah. We all had a good day once we got moving. I don’t think he feels bad just chuggy. Logan on the other hand I don’t think feels real good. He is blinking like mad with dry eyes. He is whiney as all get out and grumpy.
We had to meet daddy at the eye Dr. since I had to medical card to buy the contacts. That took a while, but I was able to get Taylor’s homework done while we waited and Logan was able to get a nap in. We went to eat in Hoover since we were already there. Logan hardle ate a bite and Taylor did fair. It was so cold in there that I don’t think anyone could really enjoy it. Jim couldn’t see with his eyes dialated and Taylor liked the way his eyes looked.
Please be in prayer for my good friend Cindy’s mother in law. Cindy has been a friend for years and has been super supportive of us and Taylor. Her mother in law has been diagnosed with cancer and can not have surgery until her also newly diagnosed diabetes is under control. Pray that her diabetes is soon under control so that she can get the surgery that is needed. Pray for Taylor’s continued health. Pray for all the kids out there that are still battling.
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21st January 2007
Our handsome little guy…
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January 22, 2007 Day + 1391 Day +1089 off therapy
Monday, blah. We were all dog tired this morning. Taylor is all chugged up again, blah. We all had a good day once we got moving. I don’t think he feels bad just chuggy. Logan on the other hand I don’t think feels real good. He is blinking like mad with dry eyes. He is whiney as all get out and grumpy.
We had to meet daddy at the eye Dr. since I had to medical card to buy the contacts. That took a while, but I was able to get Taylor’s homework done while we waited and Logan was able to get a nap in. We went to eat in Hoover since we were already there. Logan hardle ate a bite and Taylor did fair. It was so cold in there that I don’t think anyone could really enjoy it. Jim couldn’t see with his eyes dialated and Taylor liked the way his eyes looked.
Please be in prayer for my good friend Cindy’s mother in law. Cindy has been a friend for years and has been super supportive of us and Taylor. Her mother in law has been diagnosed with cancer and can not have surgery until her also newly diagnosed diabetes is under control. Pray that her diabetes is soon under control so that she can get the surgery that is needed. Pray for Taylor’s continued health. Pray for all the kids out there that are still battling.
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21st January 2007
Our handsome little guy…
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
January 21st Update...
21st January 2007
January 21, 2007 Day + 1390 Day +1088 off therapy
Wedding day!
It was a crazy day. We woke up in a rush and stayed that way all day. We had to bathe the kids and get them ready to go. We had to pack up all our good clothes and head out towards Haleyville which is about 2 hours away. It rained and poured all day long. The boys were good on the drive, but it was nearing lunch time and they were ready to eat. As soon as we got to Uncle Dugan’s house they raded the cabinets. Sorry Anna, for the fruit loops that they left behind! They were in heaven. They had never been to Dugan’s house and they loved it. Taylor played x box with the big boys and thought he was cool as a cucumber. We learned just this morning that Taylor would be the ring bearer and would have to get a tux. He got one at about 2:30 for the 3:00 wedding! He looked so darn cute! We all ripped out our cameras. Well, I ripped out Paw Paw’s game camera that just happened to be at my house seeing as mine was wet:) We all took off in our Sunday best and tennis shoes, it was so muddy. They wedding was beautiful. Taylor wouldn’t walk in by himself, so he came in with Gam maw when she lit the unity candle. How cute. Paw Paw was the best man, so he had someone to stand with. He did great period, but he really did good with no practice or talking about it. He dropped the rings off the pillow, so Paw Paw just held them. I think he was upset about it until the preacher dropped them too. Poor fellow can not smile if he isn’t really laughing about something, so every picture has a fake smile. That is okay though because he looked so handsome. He did not want to take it off. He wore it all through the reception even though all the rest of us had on jeans. He tried to convince me that Dugan said he could have it, but it didn’t work. He finally gave in and left it behind. Jim was thrilled to get “pay back” on his truck. When we got married they put sardines on the manifold, shaving cream all over the window and gear shifter. We were in a jeep with no top, so when the windshield wipers came on we got covered in shaving cream. It is all fun until it is your car! He was a good sport about the confetti and silly string all over the cab of the truck. Logan and Taylor even got in on the action and it is all on film, so they are in for it one day too!
We left Haleyville arounf 6:30 and headed for home. The boys rode with Gam maw and Paw Paw, so it was quiet in our car. We met them at their house to get the boys and came on home. We all went straight to bed.
Please be in prayer for a happy marriage for Anna and Dugan. Be in prayer for Taylor’s continued good health and that of his friends.
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20th January 2007
January 21, 2007 Day + 1390 Day +1088 off therapy
Wedding day!
It was a crazy day. We woke up in a rush and stayed that way all day. We had to bathe the kids and get them ready to go. We had to pack up all our good clothes and head out towards Haleyville which is about 2 hours away. It rained and poured all day long. The boys were good on the drive, but it was nearing lunch time and they were ready to eat. As soon as we got to Uncle Dugan’s house they raded the cabinets. Sorry Anna, for the fruit loops that they left behind! They were in heaven. They had never been to Dugan’s house and they loved it. Taylor played x box with the big boys and thought he was cool as a cucumber. We learned just this morning that Taylor would be the ring bearer and would have to get a tux. He got one at about 2:30 for the 3:00 wedding! He looked so darn cute! We all ripped out our cameras. Well, I ripped out Paw Paw’s game camera that just happened to be at my house seeing as mine was wet:) We all took off in our Sunday best and tennis shoes, it was so muddy. They wedding was beautiful. Taylor wouldn’t walk in by himself, so he came in with Gam maw when she lit the unity candle. How cute. Paw Paw was the best man, so he had someone to stand with. He did great period, but he really did good with no practice or talking about it. He dropped the rings off the pillow, so Paw Paw just held them. I think he was upset about it until the preacher dropped them too. Poor fellow can not smile if he isn’t really laughing about something, so every picture has a fake smile. That is okay though because he looked so handsome. He did not want to take it off. He wore it all through the reception even though all the rest of us had on jeans. He tried to convince me that Dugan said he could have it, but it didn’t work. He finally gave in and left it behind. Jim was thrilled to get “pay back” on his truck. When we got married they put sardines on the manifold, shaving cream all over the window and gear shifter. We were in a jeep with no top, so when the windshield wipers came on we got covered in shaving cream. It is all fun until it is your car! He was a good sport about the confetti and silly string all over the cab of the truck. Logan and Taylor even got in on the action and it is all on film, so they are in for it one day too!
We left Haleyville arounf 6:30 and headed for home. The boys rode with Gam maw and Paw Paw, so it was quiet in our car. We met them at their house to get the boys and came on home. We all went straight to bed.
Please be in prayer for a happy marriage for Anna and Dugan. Be in prayer for Taylor’s continued good health and that of his friends.
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20th January 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The 20th of January...
January 20, 2007 Day + 1389 Day +1087 off therapy
Party day! We had a busy day. We started out by going shopping for dresses for Uncle Dugan’s wedding, tomorrow! It was kind of sprung on us, but that is okay, we are happy for them. After we all had something to wear, we went to the Olive Garden. Though it was Uncle Dugan’s wedding weekend he lost out too Taylor’s birthday weekend and Taylor got to choose where to eat. Both boys ate great. The Olive Garden employees sang Happy Birthday to Taylor too. He didn’t enjoy the singing there as much as last night, but I think he liked that chocolate cake better than the fried ice cream. He ate like a pig!
After lunch we rushed home and got ready for the party. I made a big boo boo. Only for Jim will I tell you all this. I accidentally dropped the camera into the cooler when I put the ice cream in. I didn’t even realize it. When we got to the party and I realized I didn’t have the camera I just thought it was still on the counter where I laid it to get the ice cream out of the freezer. I never thought twice about it. We had a great time at the party and Guh and Bob took pictures. When it was time to eat cake and ice cream we went into the party room and opened the cooler and there was the camera, soaking wet. OOPS! There was nothing to do about it then, so we just laughed about it and went on with the party. Taylor had a ball and got so many nice things. Thank you to all his buddies who came all the way to Pump it up and partied with him.
After the party we went to Hooters to eat. Not my choice mind you. When Taylor asked what it was Jim told him a place that had owls. Ha, my whole house is full of crazies! The kids ate pretty darn good there too. I guess they were hungry after all that jumping and sliding at pump it up. When we were done eating Taylor and Christian got to go sit with all the girls and the whole restaraunt sang Happy Birthday to them. Taylor got a picture with all the girls. How funny is that! You should have seen the looks on the mens faces when they all turned to see who was getting a Happy Birthdya wish.
It was now time to head home. We were all so tired, but we had to check out all the loot. Taylor got some awesome stuff. He is so excited. Thanks again to all that came!!
Party day! We had a busy day. We started out by going shopping for dresses for Uncle Dugan’s wedding, tomorrow! It was kind of sprung on us, but that is okay, we are happy for them. After we all had something to wear, we went to the Olive Garden. Though it was Uncle Dugan’s wedding weekend he lost out too Taylor’s birthday weekend and Taylor got to choose where to eat. Both boys ate great. The Olive Garden employees sang Happy Birthday to Taylor too. He didn’t enjoy the singing there as much as last night, but I think he liked that chocolate cake better than the fried ice cream. He ate like a pig!
After lunch we rushed home and got ready for the party. I made a big boo boo. Only for Jim will I tell you all this. I accidentally dropped the camera into the cooler when I put the ice cream in. I didn’t even realize it. When we got to the party and I realized I didn’t have the camera I just thought it was still on the counter where I laid it to get the ice cream out of the freezer. I never thought twice about it. We had a great time at the party and Guh and Bob took pictures. When it was time to eat cake and ice cream we went into the party room and opened the cooler and there was the camera, soaking wet. OOPS! There was nothing to do about it then, so we just laughed about it and went on with the party. Taylor had a ball and got so many nice things. Thank you to all his buddies who came all the way to Pump it up and partied with him.
After the party we went to Hooters to eat. Not my choice mind you. When Taylor asked what it was Jim told him a place that had owls. Ha, my whole house is full of crazies! The kids ate pretty darn good there too. I guess they were hungry after all that jumping and sliding at pump it up. When we were done eating Taylor and Christian got to go sit with all the girls and the whole restaraunt sang Happy Birthday to them. Taylor got a picture with all the girls. How funny is that! You should have seen the looks on the mens faces when they all turned to see who was getting a Happy Birthdya wish.
It was now time to head home. We were all so tired, but we had to check out all the loot. Taylor got some awesome stuff. He is so excited. Thanks again to all that came!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Birthday Update!!!
Birthday update!
Taylor had a great day today. He got to wear the Birthday hat at school and pick a prize from the birthday box. Mrs. Thornton is so cool! He was very excited that Daddy, Paw Paw and Uncle Bob came to eat lunch with him. They took pictures with Paw Paw’s camera phone, so we will get them on here soon. Be sure to scroll down a little ways and see the pictures added. Jim added one from Taylor’s Birthday fried ice cream and one of his MIBG scan from December. Yes, his shoulders are glowing, but that is okay. THe radiologist can tell the difference between normal and disease. This is why I do not look on scan day. The shoulders, knees, bladder, and port all glow. If I were to look, I would self diagnose him as “eaten alive” so I do not look.
On to better topics…. We all went to San Antonio Grill for dinner. We go there a lot and Jim got his picture made there on his Birthday and so did Logan. It was only fair that Taylor get to go too. He was so excited! He wanted to take the hat home. He only at the cool whip off the ice cream, but me and Gam maw ate the rest:) They sang Happy Birthday to him and put whip cream on his nose. It was cute.
The boys went to spend the night at Gam maw and Paw Paw’s house. Jim and I came home and made his cake. It turned out cute. He will like it. We have all the goodies bags made, all the food and drinks bought and ready to go. We are ready to party! It is now 11:13 and I better hit the bed so that I can party hardy tomorrow.
Please praise God today for Taylor’s health and his 6th birthday. Pray for his complete healing and that he never again faces cancer. Pray for Evan who is home home for the weekend, but still has low counts. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
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19th January 2007
My favorite place to eat…
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19th January 2007
January 19, 2007 Day + 1388 Day +1086 off therapy
Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!!
Wow, I can not believe he is 6 today. When I kissed him goodnight last night, I told him it was my last time to kiss a 5 year old, so make it a good one. He laughed and wiped off the kiss! We made a bet that he would grow a beard over night as he turned 6 and he is convinced this morning that he can feel it! Praise be to God for the miraculous 6th birthday. To turn 6 is huge for any child, but for a child who was only given a 30% chance to live it’s a really big deal. Thank you God for this day and I pray for MANY more birthdays with Taylor.
Friday, January 19, 2001 was a cold, wet, nasty day. We left at 5:00 in the morning headed to St. Vincent’s hospital where a room was waiting on us and an induction was scheduled for 8:30 that morning. Well, true to hospital organization, when we got there we were told to go home and they would call us, there was no room. I cried and cried and told them I would have the baby in the hall if I had to, I wanted it out and I was not leaving! They put us in a tiny waiting room while they tried to figure out what to do about this problem. Lucky for me, in a few minutes they had figured out that the room that was reserved for us was on the 2nd floor not the 3rd and we were soon on our way. We got settled in, got the IV and started getting ready to have a baby. It was my first ever hospital stay and to say that I was nervous is an understatement. They started the pitocin and things went well until centimeter 5 and it stopped. I was hurting, but not bad and it just froze, no more progress. They came in to give me and epidural and to up things and see if we could get it moving. Well, it didn’t work on one side. I was miserable being numb on half my body and hurting on the other. They tried and tried to do it, but it wouldn’t work. They decided on a C-section which was fine by me, I was a chicken! They wheeled me in and moved me to the operating table. Boy, when I looked up and saw those lights, I changed me mind. I decided then and there that I would just keep the baby inside. Dr. D assured me that was not an option! At this point, Jim was still outside. They had told him that if a spinal wouldn’t work then I would be put to sleep and he would not be allowed to come in. If the spinal did work, they would come get him. Well, it didn’t work! Dr. D said he pinched me to see if I was numb, but I swear he cut me, it hurt! They put the mask on me and told me to count backwards from 100 until I fell asleep. On TV they go 99, 98, 97… and they are out. Well, when I hit about 70 I was freaking out that I was going to be awake and in pain through this mess. I eventually went to sleep and it was all over in a matter of minutes. Thank God! However, they never went to tell Jim, so when they opened the door he was waiting to here if he could come in or not and instead saw a seemingly healthy 8lb 4oz Taylor Jameson Watts. I never in my wildest dreams thought our journey would be the one we have taken, but I didn’t have a choice in that matter. I am so grateful for all of you and all of the hospital staffers that have cared for Taylor over the years. Because of God’s healing hands, your prayers and their medical knowledge, we are here today. Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!!
I will update again later. Paw Paw and Jim are going to eat with Taylor today at school and bring his cup cakes. He is thrilled!
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Taylor's Stats:
1389 Days Since Transplant.
1087 Days Off Treatment.
© 2007 Latest NewsTaylorWatts.org All Rights Reserved.
Latest News is proudly powered by www.TAYLORWATTS.org.
To visit past journal entries, go to News Archives.
Taylor had a great day today. He got to wear the Birthday hat at school and pick a prize from the birthday box. Mrs. Thornton is so cool! He was very excited that Daddy, Paw Paw and Uncle Bob came to eat lunch with him. They took pictures with Paw Paw’s camera phone, so we will get them on here soon. Be sure to scroll down a little ways and see the pictures added. Jim added one from Taylor’s Birthday fried ice cream and one of his MIBG scan from December. Yes, his shoulders are glowing, but that is okay. THe radiologist can tell the difference between normal and disease. This is why I do not look on scan day. The shoulders, knees, bladder, and port all glow. If I were to look, I would self diagnose him as “eaten alive” so I do not look.
On to better topics…. We all went to San Antonio Grill for dinner. We go there a lot and Jim got his picture made there on his Birthday and so did Logan. It was only fair that Taylor get to go too. He was so excited! He wanted to take the hat home. He only at the cool whip off the ice cream, but me and Gam maw ate the rest:) They sang Happy Birthday to him and put whip cream on his nose. It was cute.
The boys went to spend the night at Gam maw and Paw Paw’s house. Jim and I came home and made his cake. It turned out cute. He will like it. We have all the goodies bags made, all the food and drinks bought and ready to go. We are ready to party! It is now 11:13 and I better hit the bed so that I can party hardy tomorrow.
Please praise God today for Taylor’s health and his 6th birthday. Pray for his complete healing and that he never again faces cancer. Pray for Evan who is home home for the weekend, but still has low counts. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
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19th January 2007
My favorite place to eat…
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19th January 2007
January 19, 2007 Day + 1388 Day +1086 off therapy
Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!!
Wow, I can not believe he is 6 today. When I kissed him goodnight last night, I told him it was my last time to kiss a 5 year old, so make it a good one. He laughed and wiped off the kiss! We made a bet that he would grow a beard over night as he turned 6 and he is convinced this morning that he can feel it! Praise be to God for the miraculous 6th birthday. To turn 6 is huge for any child, but for a child who was only given a 30% chance to live it’s a really big deal. Thank you God for this day and I pray for MANY more birthdays with Taylor.
Friday, January 19, 2001 was a cold, wet, nasty day. We left at 5:00 in the morning headed to St. Vincent’s hospital where a room was waiting on us and an induction was scheduled for 8:30 that morning. Well, true to hospital organization, when we got there we were told to go home and they would call us, there was no room. I cried and cried and told them I would have the baby in the hall if I had to, I wanted it out and I was not leaving! They put us in a tiny waiting room while they tried to figure out what to do about this problem. Lucky for me, in a few minutes they had figured out that the room that was reserved for us was on the 2nd floor not the 3rd and we were soon on our way. We got settled in, got the IV and started getting ready to have a baby. It was my first ever hospital stay and to say that I was nervous is an understatement. They started the pitocin and things went well until centimeter 5 and it stopped. I was hurting, but not bad and it just froze, no more progress. They came in to give me and epidural and to up things and see if we could get it moving. Well, it didn’t work on one side. I was miserable being numb on half my body and hurting on the other. They tried and tried to do it, but it wouldn’t work. They decided on a C-section which was fine by me, I was a chicken! They wheeled me in and moved me to the operating table. Boy, when I looked up and saw those lights, I changed me mind. I decided then and there that I would just keep the baby inside. Dr. D assured me that was not an option! At this point, Jim was still outside. They had told him that if a spinal wouldn’t work then I would be put to sleep and he would not be allowed to come in. If the spinal did work, they would come get him. Well, it didn’t work! Dr. D said he pinched me to see if I was numb, but I swear he cut me, it hurt! They put the mask on me and told me to count backwards from 100 until I fell asleep. On TV they go 99, 98, 97… and they are out. Well, when I hit about 70 I was freaking out that I was going to be awake and in pain through this mess. I eventually went to sleep and it was all over in a matter of minutes. Thank God! However, they never went to tell Jim, so when they opened the door he was waiting to here if he could come in or not and instead saw a seemingly healthy 8lb 4oz Taylor Jameson Watts. I never in my wildest dreams thought our journey would be the one we have taken, but I didn’t have a choice in that matter. I am so grateful for all of you and all of the hospital staffers that have cared for Taylor over the years. Because of God’s healing hands, your prayers and their medical knowledge, we are here today. Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!!
I will update again later. Paw Paw and Jim are going to eat with Taylor today at school and bring his cup cakes. He is thrilled!
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Taylor's Stats:
1389 Days Since Transplant.
1087 Days Off Treatment.
© 2007 Latest NewsTaylorWatts.org All Rights Reserved.
Latest News is proudly powered by www.TAYLORWATTS.org.
To visit past journal entries, go to News Archives.
My favorite psalm...
1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?
2 O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent.
3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel. [a]
4 In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them.
5 They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed.
6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people.
7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads:
8 "He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him."
9 Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast.
10 From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.
11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help.
12 Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
13 Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me.
14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me [b] in the dust of death.
16 Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced [c] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me.
18 They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.
19 But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.
20 Deliver my life from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs.
21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save [d] me from the horns of the wild oxen.
22 I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.
23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!
24 For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.
25 From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly; before those who fear you [e] will I fulfill my vows.
26 The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the LORD will praise him— may your hearts live forever!
27 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,
28 for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.
29 All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him— those who cannot keep themselves alive.
30 Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord.
31 They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn— for he has done it.
2 O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent.
3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel. [a]
4 In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them.
5 They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed.
6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people.
7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads:
8 "He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him."
9 Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast.
10 From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.
11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help.
12 Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
13 Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me.
14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me [b] in the dust of death.
16 Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced [c] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me.
18 They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.
19 But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.
20 Deliver my life from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs.
21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save [d] me from the horns of the wild oxen.
22 I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.
23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!
24 For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.
25 From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly; before those who fear you [e] will I fulfill my vows.
26 The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the LORD will praise him— may your hearts live forever!
27 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,
28 for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.
29 All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him— those who cannot keep themselves alive.
30 Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord.
31 They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn— for he has done it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Today in the world of...
January 18, 2007 Day + 1387 Day +1085 off therapy
Only one more day until our little man is 6! He made it to day 41 on green light today. He is very proud to bring home his chart with the circles colored in green. I am very proud too. He just had to learn how to control himself when others got to him and I guess he did.
Once I dropped Taylor off this morning I went to CVS and tried to find a stool softener for Logan. They only had pills or a root beer flavored laxarive. Yuck! Why would they make such a crazy flavor? I opted to skip that and ask the Dr. when we go for their 3 and 6 year check ups in a few weeks. I just don’t think the battle to get him to swallow the root beer stuff would be worth the little help it gave. We headed over to school where we had to put more eye drops in his eyes. Poor little Logan’s eyes get so dry this time of year. I took him to the Dr. last year thinking it was a vision thing, but it isn’t. He had stopped doiong it and now is back at it. I will mention it again when we go, but I am pretty sure it is still just weather related dry eyes.
We went to car pool today, but no sleeping for Logan. He sat in my lap and pretended to drive while he ate a lite up sucker. His hat had made his hair stand up in the front and it looked crazy. He kept standing up to look in the mirror and would crack up.
We went to Walmart where Taylor picked out Sponge Bob cupcakes for school tomorrow and confetti cake mix for his Lightning McQueen cake. He was so excited all through the store. He picked out his own birthday gift too. He got a blue lightning McQueen that turns into a jet fighter. That makes no since to me, but it was the coolest thing to him. He got his fingers smooshed. He was sitting on the bottom of the buggy like I ask him not to a milllion times. Every time I stopped the buggy he would sit back down. He eventually got his fingers under the wheel. He kept saying it didn’t hurt, but I saw the dirty smears across his face where he whiped his eyes.
Please be in prayer for Taylor and his continued success against his cancer. Pray for all the others out there who are still fighting the fight. Pray for those who are missing a loved one or that have just started this journey.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
17th January 2007
January 17, 2007 Day + 1386 Day +1084 off therapy
Today is day 40 in a row on green light. Wow! He has requested a Batman movie if he makes it through January. I say that is fair enough. It is only 2 more days until his birthday. One of his buddies called and RSVP’d tonight and he was so excited. He is so funny talking about the party and telling me conversations they have had at school. Kids are so funny when they talk.
Taylor was thrilled to see the big sign out in front of the school said “HB Taylor Watts” Thank you Ghen Ghen and Bob for calling the school and having that done. I took a picture of it today. I am sure everyone thought I was nuts, but those small things are huge things to us.
Mr. Logan may not get to play ball this year. They have upped the price and it is going to cost a fortune to sign them both up. He has never done it and wont know the difference, so he may have to sit this year out. Taylor on the other hand is really excited this year now that he is in school with a lot of the kids that he plays with. I know he will have more fun when he actually has some friends on the team and isn’t the new kid or the little one. I guess he will always be the little one, but that is okay, he is cute!
Poor Logan had an awful night. He is so consitpated. The poor baby sat on the potty and screamed. He wanted me to hug him, so there I sat all crouched over the potty hugging him and I could feel his heart beating 90 miles an hour. It wasn’t pretty, but we got it all out and he is fine now. He actually went again a while later and I guess all was fine since I didn’t know he was in there until he screamed, “wipe my butt.”
Tomorrow is a big day in Taylor’s book. We are going to the store to pick out snacks to bring to school for his class to share for his birthday. We also have to pick out the cake mix to use on the Lightning McQueen cake for Saturday. He is so excited!
I guess that is it for us today. Just pure heavenly, normal! Praise God. Please be in prayer for Taylor’s continued success and many more birthdays. Pray for Carter who is a lot of pain. www.carterfinger.com Sarah got good news, no, great news. She is NED!!!! www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith Evan is back at the Target House and his counts are rising. Pray he gets to come home home this weekend. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Madison who just had chemo and is having some tummy troubles. www.caringbridge.org/visit/madisonbeck
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
16th January 2007
January 16, 2007 Day + 1385 Day +1083 off therapy
Hi there. Today was back to business for us all. Taylor was ready to go back to school, I guess we all were. Taylor had fun at school as always. Homework time was no fun. He tries to guess at the words rather than sound them out and we both end up frustrated. We got through it though I don’t think he knows anymore than when we started. He was busy all afternoon playing cars games on the computer. He loves to do that. He is quite the game guy these days. When he first got his PSP for Christmas he couldn’t do anything. He soon was screaming, “I am winning” and he would be in 4th place. Well, he has now finished in first place on several different occasions. He is so smart.
Logan had a good day again in his new class. He has done fine with the change. He has had no more potty issues and no accidents at school. He has no problems with me coming in the room as long as I hug and kiss him before I go. It still seems so odd to see him in that class.
I had a good day other than being off all day after missing a day. I was expecting kids that don’t come on Tuesday and calling it the wrong day at circle time. We finally got it straight and got our day going. Logan slept all through car pool which was nice, but when we got home and he was wide open I was wishing he had waited and napped at home. He actually woke up right as we were pulling forward to pick up Taylor and he went ape on me. He was so mad that he didn’t get to unbuckle and play. I couldn’t calm him down, so he screamed. The boys played for a while, did homework and got an early bath. By the time Jim came in they were in Pj’s and ready for bed all they needed was dinner. I went to Gam maw’s candle party. I got some yummy smelling candles too.
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s success against this beast. Pray for Evan who is inpatient and waiting on his counts to rise. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Sarah whi is STILL waiting on results from her scans last week. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith Pray for our new friend www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Pray for all the kids and families out there fighting.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
15th January 2007
Don’t forget to sign Taylor’s Guestbook
You can do so by clicking here: http://taylorwatts.org/guestbook/addentry.php
You also have the ability to leave comments to individual updates. You can find a link to leave comments at the end of each update!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
Only one more day until our little man is 6! He made it to day 41 on green light today. He is very proud to bring home his chart with the circles colored in green. I am very proud too. He just had to learn how to control himself when others got to him and I guess he did.
Once I dropped Taylor off this morning I went to CVS and tried to find a stool softener for Logan. They only had pills or a root beer flavored laxarive. Yuck! Why would they make such a crazy flavor? I opted to skip that and ask the Dr. when we go for their 3 and 6 year check ups in a few weeks. I just don’t think the battle to get him to swallow the root beer stuff would be worth the little help it gave. We headed over to school where we had to put more eye drops in his eyes. Poor little Logan’s eyes get so dry this time of year. I took him to the Dr. last year thinking it was a vision thing, but it isn’t. He had stopped doiong it and now is back at it. I will mention it again when we go, but I am pretty sure it is still just weather related dry eyes.
We went to car pool today, but no sleeping for Logan. He sat in my lap and pretended to drive while he ate a lite up sucker. His hat had made his hair stand up in the front and it looked crazy. He kept standing up to look in the mirror and would crack up.
We went to Walmart where Taylor picked out Sponge Bob cupcakes for school tomorrow and confetti cake mix for his Lightning McQueen cake. He was so excited all through the store. He picked out his own birthday gift too. He got a blue lightning McQueen that turns into a jet fighter. That makes no since to me, but it was the coolest thing to him. He got his fingers smooshed. He was sitting on the bottom of the buggy like I ask him not to a milllion times. Every time I stopped the buggy he would sit back down. He eventually got his fingers under the wheel. He kept saying it didn’t hurt, but I saw the dirty smears across his face where he whiped his eyes.
Please be in prayer for Taylor and his continued success against his cancer. Pray for all the others out there who are still fighting the fight. Pray for those who are missing a loved one or that have just started this journey.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
17th January 2007
January 17, 2007 Day + 1386 Day +1084 off therapy
Today is day 40 in a row on green light. Wow! He has requested a Batman movie if he makes it through January. I say that is fair enough. It is only 2 more days until his birthday. One of his buddies called and RSVP’d tonight and he was so excited. He is so funny talking about the party and telling me conversations they have had at school. Kids are so funny when they talk.
Taylor was thrilled to see the big sign out in front of the school said “HB Taylor Watts” Thank you Ghen Ghen and Bob for calling the school and having that done. I took a picture of it today. I am sure everyone thought I was nuts, but those small things are huge things to us.
Mr. Logan may not get to play ball this year. They have upped the price and it is going to cost a fortune to sign them both up. He has never done it and wont know the difference, so he may have to sit this year out. Taylor on the other hand is really excited this year now that he is in school with a lot of the kids that he plays with. I know he will have more fun when he actually has some friends on the team and isn’t the new kid or the little one. I guess he will always be the little one, but that is okay, he is cute!
Poor Logan had an awful night. He is so consitpated. The poor baby sat on the potty and screamed. He wanted me to hug him, so there I sat all crouched over the potty hugging him and I could feel his heart beating 90 miles an hour. It wasn’t pretty, but we got it all out and he is fine now. He actually went again a while later and I guess all was fine since I didn’t know he was in there until he screamed, “wipe my butt.”
Tomorrow is a big day in Taylor’s book. We are going to the store to pick out snacks to bring to school for his class to share for his birthday. We also have to pick out the cake mix to use on the Lightning McQueen cake for Saturday. He is so excited!
I guess that is it for us today. Just pure heavenly, normal! Praise God. Please be in prayer for Taylor’s continued success and many more birthdays. Pray for Carter who is a lot of pain. www.carterfinger.com Sarah got good news, no, great news. She is NED!!!! www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith Evan is back at the Target House and his counts are rising. Pray he gets to come home home this weekend. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Madison who just had chemo and is having some tummy troubles. www.caringbridge.org/visit/madisonbeck
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
16th January 2007
January 16, 2007 Day + 1385 Day +1083 off therapy
Hi there. Today was back to business for us all. Taylor was ready to go back to school, I guess we all were. Taylor had fun at school as always. Homework time was no fun. He tries to guess at the words rather than sound them out and we both end up frustrated. We got through it though I don’t think he knows anymore than when we started. He was busy all afternoon playing cars games on the computer. He loves to do that. He is quite the game guy these days. When he first got his PSP for Christmas he couldn’t do anything. He soon was screaming, “I am winning” and he would be in 4th place. Well, he has now finished in first place on several different occasions. He is so smart.
Logan had a good day again in his new class. He has done fine with the change. He has had no more potty issues and no accidents at school. He has no problems with me coming in the room as long as I hug and kiss him before I go. It still seems so odd to see him in that class.
I had a good day other than being off all day after missing a day. I was expecting kids that don’t come on Tuesday and calling it the wrong day at circle time. We finally got it straight and got our day going. Logan slept all through car pool which was nice, but when we got home and he was wide open I was wishing he had waited and napped at home. He actually woke up right as we were pulling forward to pick up Taylor and he went ape on me. He was so mad that he didn’t get to unbuckle and play. I couldn’t calm him down, so he screamed. The boys played for a while, did homework and got an early bath. By the time Jim came in they were in Pj’s and ready for bed all they needed was dinner. I went to Gam maw’s candle party. I got some yummy smelling candles too.
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s success against this beast. Pray for Evan who is inpatient and waiting on his counts to rise. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Sarah whi is STILL waiting on results from her scans last week. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith Pray for our new friend www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Pray for all the kids and families out there fighting.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
15th January 2007
Don’t forget to sign Taylor’s Guestbook
You can do so by clicking here: http://taylorwatts.org/guestbook/addentry.php
You also have the ability to leave comments to individual updates. You can find a link to leave comments at the end of each update!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Better every day...
11 minutes on the trainer…
Posted on January 16th, 2007 by jimwatts. Categories: Training.
It gets king of boring just staring at the wall for 11 minutes. I thought I would take a short break and write some things down. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Taylor joining us in this world and making us a family. Just 19 short months after that, he was fighting for his life. God is good, and here we sit today watching him prepare to turn 6 years old on Friday and worrying about such things as school, which friends to invite to his birthday party, and what place he finishes in his PSP Cars video game (which I must admit, he is pretty darn good for a 5 year old). God of love watching him enjoy life. No child should have to worry or fight childhood cancer, yet right this very minute, a family is learning the words childhood cancer, and chemotherapy. I pray for the day infants can take a “cancer” vaccine and not have to every worry about fighting such a horrible disease. God willing…
Posted on January 16th, 2007 by jimwatts. Categories: Training.
It gets king of boring just staring at the wall for 11 minutes. I thought I would take a short break and write some things down. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Taylor joining us in this world and making us a family. Just 19 short months after that, he was fighting for his life. God is good, and here we sit today watching him prepare to turn 6 years old on Friday and worrying about such things as school, which friends to invite to his birthday party, and what place he finishes in his PSP Cars video game (which I must admit, he is pretty darn good for a 5 year old). God of love watching him enjoy life. No child should have to worry or fight childhood cancer, yet right this very minute, a family is learning the words childhood cancer, and chemotherapy. I pray for the day infants can take a “cancer” vaccine and not have to every worry about fighting such a horrible disease. God willing…
Monday, January 15, 2007
A lot of updates...
January 15, 2007 Day +1384 Day 1082 off therapy
What a great day to be off work. It was a dark, dreary, wet day here in McCalla. It was a good day to stay at home and that is what we did. Guh brought the boys home around noon. They saw daddy daddy as he rode around the block. Be sure to be checking out his blog each night to keep up with his training. Logan took a nap today as usual, but he was so tired that I didn’t have to play games to get him in bed.
Taylor is looking forward to his birthday day on Friday. I can’t believe he will be 6! He is excited that daddy is going to go eat lunch with him. How fun. I was going to go, but I think I will let Jim do it and I will save my time for a different day.
It is now 6:00 and it is time to pack lunches and get 2 little boys ready for bed and school. Until tomorrow…..
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
14th January 2007
January 14, 2007 Day +1383 Day 1081 off therapy
Hello again! Today we hung out at home for the most part. I broke down and did the laundry, so we will not be naked this week. We took the boys to Guh’s house to spend the night. Jim and I went to several stores as we killed time before going to see The Pursuit of Happyness. No, I didn’t spell it wrong, you will have to go see the movie to get it. It was so good. It is a very inspirational story. I really enjoyed it.
I called Guh on the way home. Logan was already asleep and Taylor was coloring and watching TV on his little pallet on the floor. He loves to sleep in the floor, he always has. They had a busy day of playing outside, going to the store and playing in the playroom.
I talked to Jacob’s mom and all is fine. Praise the Lord! Please be in prayer for all of our friends that are battling their own battles. Be in prayer for Taylor’s continued success against his cancer. Please pray for Sarah. She had scans this week and has a spot on her knee that will need to be looked into. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
13th January 2007
January 13, 2007 Day +1382 Day 1080 off therapy
Hello all. Today we had a good day. We hung out at home for most of the day. Jim did his 30 mile ride today. Better him than me. I wouldn’t have made it around the block! I am proud of him for being so determied. However, I am going to be jealous when he is in shape, so I better get my butt to the gym.
Once Jim got back home the boys rode their riding toys outside for a while. We went to Costco and Walmart later in the day. Jim was not enjoying the walking very much so we went home. We bought You, Me and Dupree on pay per view and stayed at home and watched. The boys played in their clean rooms! That was a big ordeal this morning. They were told last night to clean up and they didn’t. I don’t mean their were a few toys out it was a total disaster. Taylor woke up and got his room clean this morning. He has learned that he better just get it done. Logan on the other hand could care less. He spent all morning in his room doing nothing. I gave him water and wouldn’t let him have his favorite, chocolate milk until he was done. He still didn’t care. I ended up putting all his stuff in a garbage bag and he still didn’t care. It took Taylor going outside to play for him to care. He very quickly took everything out of the bag and put it away. He went outside for a while and so far he has picked up everything once he got done with it.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
13th January 2007
A link…
Here is a link to Jim’s blog if you would like to keep track of his training for the Ride of Love: http://jim.taylorwatts.org/
What a great day to be off work. It was a dark, dreary, wet day here in McCalla. It was a good day to stay at home and that is what we did. Guh brought the boys home around noon. They saw daddy daddy as he rode around the block. Be sure to be checking out his blog each night to keep up with his training. Logan took a nap today as usual, but he was so tired that I didn’t have to play games to get him in bed.
Taylor is looking forward to his birthday day on Friday. I can’t believe he will be 6! He is excited that daddy is going to go eat lunch with him. How fun. I was going to go, but I think I will let Jim do it and I will save my time for a different day.
It is now 6:00 and it is time to pack lunches and get 2 little boys ready for bed and school. Until tomorrow…..
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
14th January 2007
January 14, 2007 Day +1383 Day 1081 off therapy
Hello again! Today we hung out at home for the most part. I broke down and did the laundry, so we will not be naked this week. We took the boys to Guh’s house to spend the night. Jim and I went to several stores as we killed time before going to see The Pursuit of Happyness. No, I didn’t spell it wrong, you will have to go see the movie to get it. It was so good. It is a very inspirational story. I really enjoyed it.
I called Guh on the way home. Logan was already asleep and Taylor was coloring and watching TV on his little pallet on the floor. He loves to sleep in the floor, he always has. They had a busy day of playing outside, going to the store and playing in the playroom.
I talked to Jacob’s mom and all is fine. Praise the Lord! Please be in prayer for all of our friends that are battling their own battles. Be in prayer for Taylor’s continued success against his cancer. Please pray for Sarah. She had scans this week and has a spot on her knee that will need to be looked into. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
13th January 2007
January 13, 2007 Day +1382 Day 1080 off therapy
Hello all. Today we had a good day. We hung out at home for most of the day. Jim did his 30 mile ride today. Better him than me. I wouldn’t have made it around the block! I am proud of him for being so determied. However, I am going to be jealous when he is in shape, so I better get my butt to the gym.
Once Jim got back home the boys rode their riding toys outside for a while. We went to Costco and Walmart later in the day. Jim was not enjoying the walking very much so we went home. We bought You, Me and Dupree on pay per view and stayed at home and watched. The boys played in their clean rooms! That was a big ordeal this morning. They were told last night to clean up and they didn’t. I don’t mean their were a few toys out it was a total disaster. Taylor woke up and got his room clean this morning. He has learned that he better just get it done. Logan on the other hand could care less. He spent all morning in his room doing nothing. I gave him water and wouldn’t let him have his favorite, chocolate milk until he was done. He still didn’t care. I ended up putting all his stuff in a garbage bag and he still didn’t care. It took Taylor going outside to play for him to care. He very quickly took everything out of the bag and put it away. He went outside for a while and so far he has picked up everything once he got done with it.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
13th January 2007
A link…
Here is a link to Jim’s blog if you would like to keep track of his training for the Ride of Love: http://jim.taylorwatts.org/
Saturday, January 13, 2007
30.12 miles, a long way...
30.12 miles…
Posted in Training at 6:18 am by jimwatts
That’s right, I rode 30 miles today, and I’m absolutely wore out! I’m very proud to say though I set a goal for today and made it, in what I feel is pretty good time. I only stopped 3 times and it was only for 2 minutes each time. I have a long way to go before I can ride my first century ride, but I’m getting there. tell you, I got so mad at my self around mile 25. The wind was blowing about 35 miles an hour right in my face. It felt like I was riding in sand. I started cursing myself and got down right angry that the wind was blowing so hard. It then made me think how many times the wind (a metahpor) was blowing in Taylor’s face. It’s gods way of testing us. I knew if Taylor could go through all that horrible chemotherapy, stem cell transplant and radiation, I could ride a bike 152 miles. God sometimes comes to us in strange ways, but I know that was a test for me and it makes me truly appreciate what all Taylor went through and how he handled it. He never once complained so why should I? I also think I should be able to turn my seat (saddle) in for assault. I tell you, that thing was killing me! I know I will pay tomorrow! You can view the information of the ride here: MotionBased.com It’s a pretty interesting site that takes data from a GPS and computes data and provides anaylsis of your trip. Through the first 10 miles of the ride, I was thinking, this isn’t too bad. Little did I know it would get very difficult with the wind blowing 100 miles an hour in my face! Below is the route I took on my first true training run:
Here is a summary of the ride. For some reason, my GPS maxes out at 2000 trackpoints, so the first part of my trip was cut off:

30.12 miles…
Posted in Training at 6:18 am by jimwatts
That’s right, I rode 30 miles today, and I’m absolutely wore out! I’m very proud to say though I set a goal for today and made it, in what I feel is pretty good time. I only stopped 3 times and it was only for 2 minutes each time. I have a long way to go before I can ride my first century ride, but I’m getting there. tell you, I got so mad at my self around mile 25. The wind was blowing about 35 miles an hour right in my face. It felt like I was riding in sand. I started cursing myself and got down right angry that the wind was blowing so hard. It then made me think how many times the wind (a metahpor) was blowing in Taylor’s face. It’s gods way of testing us. I knew if Taylor could go through all that horrible chemotherapy, stem cell transplant and radiation, I could ride a bike 152 miles. God sometimes comes to us in strange ways, but I know that was a test for me and it makes me truly appreciate what all Taylor went through and how he handled it. He never once complained so why should I? I also think I should be able to turn my seat (saddle) in for assault. I tell you, that thing was killing me! I know I will pay tomorrow! You can view the information of the ride here: MotionBased.com It’s a pretty interesting site that takes data from a GPS and computes data and provides anaylsis of your trip. Through the first 10 miles of the ride, I was thinking, this isn’t too bad. Little did I know it would get very difficult with the wind blowing 100 miles an hour in my face! Below is the route I took on my first true training run:
Here is a summary of the ride. For some reason, my GPS maxes out at 2000 trackpoints, so the first part of my trip was cut off:
Friday, January 12, 2007
Today, an update........
January 12, 2007 Day +1381 Day 1079 off therapy
TGIF! We have had a good week. but it has been hard getting the kids back into routine. Anyway, Taylor is thrilled that it is going to be warm this weekend and that he is out of school on Monday. He has written Jim’s name on all his papers today though I have no idea why. He put his name too, so his teacher didn’t mind it. They made new years resolutions at school and his was to go hunting with daddy.
Logan had a good day too. He got mad at his teacher and had a fit! He was playing with some cards in the gym and another boy kept taking them away. His teacher moved him so the he could play without the other boys bothering him. I don’t know if he thought he was in trouble or if he was just mad that he was moved, but he was so ticked off. I stay out of it, I feel like he is theres until 1:00 and I am not going to get in the middle of it. I don’t mind helping if they want me, but I don’t want him to think he can not listen to them because I am there. He eventually got over it and went to ride a bike. He has not been in trouble, but he is slowly showing his personality! He gave his old teachers a big hug this afternoon. He still asks to go in there, but he has not cried when I leave him. Such a big boy!
Car pool was fun as always. Today Logan was tired and he sat in my lap. He pretnended to drive for a long time and then just laid there. It was nice just to hold him and himlet me. He helped me move up as the line moved. He thought he was cool stuff!
This weekend holds no plans that I am aware of. The boys will be spending the night with Guh on Sunday and going shopping for a new bed for her house. Since Logan has the fire truck bed that Taylor usually slept on while he was ther and Logan is too big for the baby bed, there is nowhere to sleep. They say they want bunk beds, but we will see what they come up with.
Please pray for Evan whose counts are very low. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for our new friend Abel at www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Pray for Carter who did not get good news from his latest scans. www.carterfinger.com Also, Sarah just had scans and has a spot showing up on her leg that will have to be looked at further to determine if it is NB or something else. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith
TGIF! We have had a good week. but it has been hard getting the kids back into routine. Anyway, Taylor is thrilled that it is going to be warm this weekend and that he is out of school on Monday. He has written Jim’s name on all his papers today though I have no idea why. He put his name too, so his teacher didn’t mind it. They made new years resolutions at school and his was to go hunting with daddy.
Logan had a good day too. He got mad at his teacher and had a fit! He was playing with some cards in the gym and another boy kept taking them away. His teacher moved him so the he could play without the other boys bothering him. I don’t know if he thought he was in trouble or if he was just mad that he was moved, but he was so ticked off. I stay out of it, I feel like he is theres until 1:00 and I am not going to get in the middle of it. I don’t mind helping if they want me, but I don’t want him to think he can not listen to them because I am there. He eventually got over it and went to ride a bike. He has not been in trouble, but he is slowly showing his personality! He gave his old teachers a big hug this afternoon. He still asks to go in there, but he has not cried when I leave him. Such a big boy!
Car pool was fun as always. Today Logan was tired and he sat in my lap. He pretnended to drive for a long time and then just laid there. It was nice just to hold him and himlet me. He helped me move up as the line moved. He thought he was cool stuff!
This weekend holds no plans that I am aware of. The boys will be spending the night with Guh on Sunday and going shopping for a new bed for her house. Since Logan has the fire truck bed that Taylor usually slept on while he was ther and Logan is too big for the baby bed, there is nowhere to sleep. They say they want bunk beds, but we will see what they come up with.
Please pray for Evan whose counts are very low. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for our new friend Abel at www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Pray for Carter who did not get good news from his latest scans. www.carterfinger.com Also, Sarah just had scans and has a spot showing up on her leg that will have to be looked at further to determine if it is NB or something else. www.caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith
Thursday, January 11, 2007
January 11, 2007 Day +1380 Day 1078 off therapy
January 11, 2007 Day +1380 Day 1078 off therapy
Hi there, another good day here in Watts world. Logan did good at school. He hasn’t given them any trouble and I am so proud. I guess I underestimate him, I always think he will not adapt to the changes that come around, but he always does fine. I am so grateful for that!He has come into a new phase I am afraid, stripping. Everyday this week once all the kids are gone from his class and he comes to my class, he takes his shirt off and runs around the gym. He is so crazy!
Taylor had another great day. His lunch account is wrong again. I swear I will have a nervous break down if I have to deal with this for the next 5 years. You keep the number all through the years at the elementary school. I have sent another note to the school about it, but this time I asked that the other child’s number be changed. I don’t think it is fair for Taylor to have to learn a new number when it is not him that is mixing up a 6 and a 9. We shall see.
Logan is asleep after a fun day in the big boy class. Taylor is playing in the playroom as I type and practicing on his “wheel shoes” or heelys. He just doesn’t get it, but he said, “they do look good on me.” He has a wee bit of a shoe fetish and he gets it honest from both parents.
Unfortunately, I have a new NB friend to tell you about. His name is Abel and he has just been diagnosed. Please stop by and visit his page at www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Also keep Taylor’s continued success in your prayers as well ass Morgan, Sarah Anne, Ross, Carolyn, Sarah, Harrison, Evan, Carter, Madison, Madison, Jacob and the list goes on!
Hi there, another good day here in Watts world. Logan did good at school. He hasn’t given them any trouble and I am so proud. I guess I underestimate him, I always think he will not adapt to the changes that come around, but he always does fine. I am so grateful for that!He has come into a new phase I am afraid, stripping. Everyday this week once all the kids are gone from his class and he comes to my class, he takes his shirt off and runs around the gym. He is so crazy!
Taylor had another great day. His lunch account is wrong again. I swear I will have a nervous break down if I have to deal with this for the next 5 years. You keep the number all through the years at the elementary school. I have sent another note to the school about it, but this time I asked that the other child’s number be changed. I don’t think it is fair for Taylor to have to learn a new number when it is not him that is mixing up a 6 and a 9. We shall see.
Logan is asleep after a fun day in the big boy class. Taylor is playing in the playroom as I type and practicing on his “wheel shoes” or heelys. He just doesn’t get it, but he said, “they do look good on me.” He has a wee bit of a shoe fetish and he gets it honest from both parents.
Unfortunately, I have a new NB friend to tell you about. His name is Abel and he has just been diagnosed. Please stop by and visit his page at www.caringbridge.org/visit/abeltyson Also keep Taylor’s continued success in your prayers as well ass Morgan, Sarah Anne, Ross, Carolyn, Sarah, Harrison, Evan, Carter, Madison, Madison, Jacob and the list goes on!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Auburn Creed...
I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports to develop these qualities.
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports to develop these qualities.
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)
Todays Update..
January 10, 2007 Day +1379 Day 1077 off therapy
Hump day! The week is actually going fast. It was another good one for us. Logan did great in school. He will be upset tomorrow. He has been wantint to carry a book bag like Taylor for a while and he got one for Christmas and they just don’t have room in his new class for them, so he will be leaving a set of clothes in his class closet and leaving the back pack at home. He will be mad! He will still be taking his new John deer lunch box, so he will be happy. He is proud of that lunch box.
Taylor had all kinds of stuff in his bag. He got a new reader and he has to have it signed each night. He has a group of sentences and words to do each week and show his teacher that he can read them. He just can’t get it. I really don’t know if it is just lack of paying attention or a processing thing. He can read map after a 10 minute discussion on it and then look at cap and have no idea even though only one letter is different. We will keep working and he will get it! He is really doing very good. He does good at school, so I think a lot of it is just not wanting to do it and getting frustrated. He also got a behaviour chart. I wish they had had that all year. It is a circle for every day of the week and at the end of the day he has to color it in for the color he was on that day. If it is anything other than green light he will have to mark why he was moved. We have to sign that daily as well. I like that!
My sinuses really kicked in today. I took some meds at work and it made me so sleepy. I fell asleep when I got home. I woke up with that lovely rash all over me. As you recall, I went to the Dr. this summer with it and he said it was an allergic reaction to too much sun, but I have not been in the sun. I have no idea what is causing it. I do know that I am itching like crazy!
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s success against cancer. Pray that he never has face it again. Pray for Jacob and his special visit to clinic yesterday. Pray for Evan and Madison and our new local friend Madison Miller. www.caringbridge.org/visit/madisonmiller Pray for all the families out there still going through the hard part of the journey. Pray for those that are in remission can stay that way. Pray that a cure is found, soon!!!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
9th January 2007
January 9, 2007 Day +1378 Day 1076 off therapy
Another good day. Logan went right to his new class and did fine. He even used the big potty with no troubles. He is being good as gold, but he is still showing his personality. He ws using the potty and Mrs. Pam was standing there waiting on him to get done. When she asked if he was done he told her, “shut the door and let me poo poo.” The he yells, “i’m done” and when you go in there is a big ole bulls eye stairng at you! I can see into his classroom when I take my class up the stairs to our class. I used to peak in on Taylor when he was in there and just smile at how big he was, so it was rather odd to look in there and see Logan sitting at the table. We have changed my classes snack time, so that we are not in the room with Logan, but I don’t think it will bother him. I have not changed lunch and he still finishes eating and goes to the gym with his class. I give him some “slugars” aka sugars as he calls it. He is growing up!
Taylor had another great day. He got his report card today. It is exactly the same as the last one. He got all satisfactory expect Improving on beginning letters and phonetic spelling. He only missed 3 days this grading period. It made me sad since it was 3 days in the last 6 of the semester and he was at the hospital having scans. It is excused, so it isn’t a big deal, but it is sad that he had to miss for such a reason. He is still on a roll with his green lights. I am so proud! While Guh was here we got to talking about the way he used to talk and he got so tickled. He couldn’t believe that he called gum my sticky or oatmeal huh huh or pizza peet peet. He was so silly!
Guh came over for a little while. I met Gam maw to go to our sorority meeting. The boys were just going to bed when I got home. I gave sugars and hit the bed myself. I had 2 people ask me today if I felt okay and I couldn’t figure out why. It must have been in my eyes as now my sinuses are killing me.
Please pray for Taylor’s continued success. Pray for Jacob who went to clinic today for a “special” visit. Pray for all of our friends who are fighting some illness or injury.
Hump day! The week is actually going fast. It was another good one for us. Logan did great in school. He will be upset tomorrow. He has been wantint to carry a book bag like Taylor for a while and he got one for Christmas and they just don’t have room in his new class for them, so he will be leaving a set of clothes in his class closet and leaving the back pack at home. He will be mad! He will still be taking his new John deer lunch box, so he will be happy. He is proud of that lunch box.
Taylor had all kinds of stuff in his bag. He got a new reader and he has to have it signed each night. He has a group of sentences and words to do each week and show his teacher that he can read them. He just can’t get it. I really don’t know if it is just lack of paying attention or a processing thing. He can read map after a 10 minute discussion on it and then look at cap and have no idea even though only one letter is different. We will keep working and he will get it! He is really doing very good. He does good at school, so I think a lot of it is just not wanting to do it and getting frustrated. He also got a behaviour chart. I wish they had had that all year. It is a circle for every day of the week and at the end of the day he has to color it in for the color he was on that day. If it is anything other than green light he will have to mark why he was moved. We have to sign that daily as well. I like that!
My sinuses really kicked in today. I took some meds at work and it made me so sleepy. I fell asleep when I got home. I woke up with that lovely rash all over me. As you recall, I went to the Dr. this summer with it and he said it was an allergic reaction to too much sun, but I have not been in the sun. I have no idea what is causing it. I do know that I am itching like crazy!
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s success against cancer. Pray that he never has face it again. Pray for Jacob and his special visit to clinic yesterday. Pray for Evan and Madison and our new local friend Madison Miller. www.caringbridge.org/visit/madisonmiller Pray for all the families out there still going through the hard part of the journey. Pray for those that are in remission can stay that way. Pray that a cure is found, soon!!!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
9th January 2007
January 9, 2007 Day +1378 Day 1076 off therapy
Another good day. Logan went right to his new class and did fine. He even used the big potty with no troubles. He is being good as gold, but he is still showing his personality. He ws using the potty and Mrs. Pam was standing there waiting on him to get done. When she asked if he was done he told her, “shut the door and let me poo poo.” The he yells, “i’m done” and when you go in there is a big ole bulls eye stairng at you! I can see into his classroom when I take my class up the stairs to our class. I used to peak in on Taylor when he was in there and just smile at how big he was, so it was rather odd to look in there and see Logan sitting at the table. We have changed my classes snack time, so that we are not in the room with Logan, but I don’t think it will bother him. I have not changed lunch and he still finishes eating and goes to the gym with his class. I give him some “slugars” aka sugars as he calls it. He is growing up!
Taylor had another great day. He got his report card today. It is exactly the same as the last one. He got all satisfactory expect Improving on beginning letters and phonetic spelling. He only missed 3 days this grading period. It made me sad since it was 3 days in the last 6 of the semester and he was at the hospital having scans. It is excused, so it isn’t a big deal, but it is sad that he had to miss for such a reason. He is still on a roll with his green lights. I am so proud! While Guh was here we got to talking about the way he used to talk and he got so tickled. He couldn’t believe that he called gum my sticky or oatmeal huh huh or pizza peet peet. He was so silly!
Guh came over for a little while. I met Gam maw to go to our sorority meeting. The boys were just going to bed when I got home. I gave sugars and hit the bed myself. I had 2 people ask me today if I felt okay and I couldn’t figure out why. It must have been in my eyes as now my sinuses are killing me.
Please pray for Taylor’s continued success. Pray for Jacob who went to clinic today for a “special” visit. Pray for all of our friends who are fighting some illness or injury.
Monday, January 08, 2007
January 8, 2007 Day +1377 Day 1075 off therapy
January 8, 2007 Day +1377 Day 1075 off therapy
Back to school day! I was not so happy to get up and get moving this morning, but I was ready to get back into routine. Taylor was not happy to get up at all. He did manage to eat all of his oatmeal before going back to sleep on the couch. I slapped the nebulizer mask on him and let him sleep. I got me ready and put Logan in the tub, I couldn’t let him go to his first day in a new class all stinky! After Logan and I were ready I woke Taylor up and he got dressed in he new cars blue jeans and cars shirt and shoes and underwear. Yes, it was an all out cars kind of day. Logan, of course, had on the same thing!
I dropped Taylor off at school. He was tired and compliaining, but I knew that he would have fun once he got there and got back into the groove. Logan was quite sure that if he sain no loud enough that he would not go to the 3 year old class. However, that did not work. In true Logan fashion, he did fine. I walked out of the room to go get something and he never said a word. When I went back he was playing just fine, so I didn’t mess with him, I just left and went to my class. We did change our day a little so that my class didn’t eat with his class, but we will go back to being together once he get used to it all. I can not believe that Logan is in that class. Taylor started in that class. Wow, he is growing up so fast. Logan did great, he even put Baby in his cubby. I sent him some milk just in case he needed some comfort foods, but he didn’t want it. His only issue is the potty. He doesn’t like a big potty and they didn’t have a little one in that class. He went and Mrs. Pam held him, but he wouldn’t go. She took him to the 2 year old room while they were out of their room and he went and went and went. She is going to bring a ring for the big potty for him to use. Other than that he did great. He teamed up with the bully of the class, figures huh! I am proud of him. He was good too, but I know he was just intimidated and that wont last long! When I picked Taylor up he was grinning from ear to ear. They had had a New Years party at school and he had a hat and a blower to show for it. He also told us that his best friend also got a 4 wheeler for Christmas, wow! He is so excited! He is already complaining about going to bed early and getting up ealry and having to stay at school which is too long. Oh well, he will be happy as can be once he gets there.
It was a bit of a crazy afternoon. We had to go get daddy from work so that he could go to a coworkers dad’s funeral. He rides with Gam maw and didn’t have a car to go in. I vrought him to his jeep at Gam maw’s house and as he was getting in to leave he realized his car keys were in Gam maw’s car. Luckily, I have a key to the jeep and he took mine. He was running on fumes and when he pulled into the gas station and got out he just had to chuckle. His gas cap is locked and guess where his key was! He made it home on a wing and a prayer. It was just one of those times that everything went wrong and all you could do was laugh rather than get mad. Ada, we are all thinking of you and praying for you.
I am home now and I have already packed lunches and ironed clothes for tomorrow. I am about to bathe the boys and put them in pj’s. We are going to gam maw’s to watch the football game and I want them to be ready for bed as soon as we get home.
Tomorrow should be a normal day. We have no plans for the day other than I have a sorority meeting tomorrow night. The boys will have a boys night. Please be in prayer for all of our buddies in this fight. Pray for Taylor to continue to win his battle! Pray for our car pool buddy Joe and his wife as she continues to fight her own cancer battle.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
7th January 2007
January 7, 2007 Day +1376 Day 1074 off therapy
What a wet day. It rained and thundered all night long. It made for some good sleeping! Taylor invited Logan to sleep with him last night. It was very late and they were very tired, so they did not play they went right to sleep. It made for the cutest pictures of them laying the same way. They stayed that way all night. When Logan woke up at 7:00 he just climbed over Taylor and went to his room to play. At 7:45 he woke me up again this time he was screaming, “come wipe my butt and get me milk.” I started cleaning house today and didn’t get too far. Oh well! I went to the grocery store on my way to a baby shower and when I was paying the bottome fell out of the sky. I had no umbrella, so I stood in the store like a nut and wait it out. It never did stop raining, but it slacked up enough to make a run for it. I went to my shower and had a nice visit with some old freinds. Congrats to Danny and April!
I went home to get the guys and we ran by Gam maw and Paw paw’s house before we had to start getting ready for bed and going back to school. Taylor couldn’t go to sleep. He has been staying up and sleeping late the past 2 weeks and I guess it was hard to wind down. I usually only let him have a book in the bed, but last night he was so fidgety that he got his PSP game. I think it was around 11:00 that I heard him get up and put the PSP away. Logan had no troubles falling asleep. In fact, he fell asleep in the car and wouldn’t get up to get a bath. I just put him to bed without one. Oh well!
Please be in prayer for all of our friends. Kinsley and precent diagnosee (is that a word) of Leukemia went to be with Jesus early Saturday morning. I had never met her and just found her page Saturday night while I was looking in on Avery and her trip to Disney World. I do not have her web site, but if you go to www.averyann.net and look under her links you can find her. Please stop in and leave some kind words for her family. Be in prayer for Logan as he moves up to the 3 year old class. That doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is a for a little kid and their are a lot of differences from the 2 year old to the 3 year old class.
Back to school day! I was not so happy to get up and get moving this morning, but I was ready to get back into routine. Taylor was not happy to get up at all. He did manage to eat all of his oatmeal before going back to sleep on the couch. I slapped the nebulizer mask on him and let him sleep. I got me ready and put Logan in the tub, I couldn’t let him go to his first day in a new class all stinky! After Logan and I were ready I woke Taylor up and he got dressed in he new cars blue jeans and cars shirt and shoes and underwear. Yes, it was an all out cars kind of day. Logan, of course, had on the same thing!
I dropped Taylor off at school. He was tired and compliaining, but I knew that he would have fun once he got there and got back into the groove. Logan was quite sure that if he sain no loud enough that he would not go to the 3 year old class. However, that did not work. In true Logan fashion, he did fine. I walked out of the room to go get something and he never said a word. When I went back he was playing just fine, so I didn’t mess with him, I just left and went to my class. We did change our day a little so that my class didn’t eat with his class, but we will go back to being together once he get used to it all. I can not believe that Logan is in that class. Taylor started in that class. Wow, he is growing up so fast. Logan did great, he even put Baby in his cubby. I sent him some milk just in case he needed some comfort foods, but he didn’t want it. His only issue is the potty. He doesn’t like a big potty and they didn’t have a little one in that class. He went and Mrs. Pam held him, but he wouldn’t go. She took him to the 2 year old room while they were out of their room and he went and went and went. She is going to bring a ring for the big potty for him to use. Other than that he did great. He teamed up with the bully of the class, figures huh! I am proud of him. He was good too, but I know he was just intimidated and that wont last long! When I picked Taylor up he was grinning from ear to ear. They had had a New Years party at school and he had a hat and a blower to show for it. He also told us that his best friend also got a 4 wheeler for Christmas, wow! He is so excited! He is already complaining about going to bed early and getting up ealry and having to stay at school which is too long. Oh well, he will be happy as can be once he gets there.
It was a bit of a crazy afternoon. We had to go get daddy from work so that he could go to a coworkers dad’s funeral. He rides with Gam maw and didn’t have a car to go in. I vrought him to his jeep at Gam maw’s house and as he was getting in to leave he realized his car keys were in Gam maw’s car. Luckily, I have a key to the jeep and he took mine. He was running on fumes and when he pulled into the gas station and got out he just had to chuckle. His gas cap is locked and guess where his key was! He made it home on a wing and a prayer. It was just one of those times that everything went wrong and all you could do was laugh rather than get mad. Ada, we are all thinking of you and praying for you.
I am home now and I have already packed lunches and ironed clothes for tomorrow. I am about to bathe the boys and put them in pj’s. We are going to gam maw’s to watch the football game and I want them to be ready for bed as soon as we get home.
Tomorrow should be a normal day. We have no plans for the day other than I have a sorority meeting tomorrow night. The boys will have a boys night. Please be in prayer for all of our buddies in this fight. Pray for Taylor to continue to win his battle! Pray for our car pool buddy Joe and his wife as she continues to fight her own cancer battle.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
7th January 2007
January 7, 2007 Day +1376 Day 1074 off therapy
What a wet day. It rained and thundered all night long. It made for some good sleeping! Taylor invited Logan to sleep with him last night. It was very late and they were very tired, so they did not play they went right to sleep. It made for the cutest pictures of them laying the same way. They stayed that way all night. When Logan woke up at 7:00 he just climbed over Taylor and went to his room to play. At 7:45 he woke me up again this time he was screaming, “come wipe my butt and get me milk.” I started cleaning house today and didn’t get too far. Oh well! I went to the grocery store on my way to a baby shower and when I was paying the bottome fell out of the sky. I had no umbrella, so I stood in the store like a nut and wait it out. It never did stop raining, but it slacked up enough to make a run for it. I went to my shower and had a nice visit with some old freinds. Congrats to Danny and April!
I went home to get the guys and we ran by Gam maw and Paw paw’s house before we had to start getting ready for bed and going back to school. Taylor couldn’t go to sleep. He has been staying up and sleeping late the past 2 weeks and I guess it was hard to wind down. I usually only let him have a book in the bed, but last night he was so fidgety that he got his PSP game. I think it was around 11:00 that I heard him get up and put the PSP away. Logan had no troubles falling asleep. In fact, he fell asleep in the car and wouldn’t get up to get a bath. I just put him to bed without one. Oh well!
Please be in prayer for all of our friends. Kinsley and precent diagnosee (is that a word) of Leukemia went to be with Jesus early Saturday morning. I had never met her and just found her page Saturday night while I was looking in on Avery and her trip to Disney World. I do not have her web site, but if you go to www.averyann.net and look under her links you can find her. Please stop in and leave some kind words for her family. Be in prayer for Logan as he moves up to the 3 year old class. That doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is a for a little kid and their are a lot of differences from the 2 year old to the 3 year old class.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
A good link!
Some other children fighting this horrible cancer, nueroblastoma:
Saturday, January 06, 2007
January 6, 2007 Day +1375 Day 1073 off therapy
January 6, 2007 Day +1375 Day 1073 off therapy
Fianlly, we slept late. It was 10:00 before I woke up this morning. Wow, it has been years since I slept that late. I say that like that is something to be proud of. Anyway, I got up and attempted to clean while the kids were gone, but got interested in a Lifetime movie and didn’t get anything done. Jim took off on his bike for some training for the Camp Sam ride of love that he will be particiapting in. You can visit www.campsam.org to get more info on the the ride and stay tuned here for more info on how to sponsor Jim in his ride. He rode 10 miles today which is 140 miles short of the Ride of Love, but 10 miles further than I would have made it. It will take a lot of training, but can you imagine the feeling of pulling into the camp site with all those brave kids watchng and knowing that you did it for them. I know as a parent, what it was like to see them pull in, but this year Jim will get to see if from both sides. Wow! He rode all the way to Paw Paw’s house and then Paw Paw brought him home. We have given him a hard time, but it is all in fun, we didn’t expect him to jump on and got 50 miles. Once they all got back here the boys played outside for hours. They rode every riding toy we own. They are so funny!
Around 3:00 we finally drug them into the house and got cleaned up and went out to eat and to Hobby Lobby to get some cake stuff for Taylor’s Lighning McQueen birthday cake. Taylor has eaten like a horse and even after dinner wanted more to eat, so we swung by the Dairy Queen for some chocolate ice cream. He ate all of his and half of Logan’s. Logan dropped his and it didn’t make too much of a mess, but when I finished cleaning it up and turned to get back in my chair, I saw ice cream on the man across from us pants and shoes. Oops! That wasn’t funny, but he was cute in Hobby Lobby. We were in the silk flower are and he leaned over and sniffed the flowers and said, “mmmm, that smells good.” He is a nut!
We are now home where we are back to normal. Logan is in trouble. He pulled all the little decals off his walls. Those things hung in Taylor’s room for 3 years and he never touched them, they have been in Logan’s room for a week and he has pulled them all off.
Please be in pray for Taylor’s continued success against cancer. Pray for all our friends that are still battling. Pray that 2007 brings the cure!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
6th January 2007
January 5, 2007 Day +1374 Day 1072 off therapy
TGIF! I never thought I would be glad for a Friday that was the end to a vacation, but I am. I love my boys so very much, but I am ready to send them back to school. I have run into several kids from my class in the last few days and I see the same look in their parents eyes!
Today we ran a few errands and then went back home. We didn’t do much of anything. Logan took a pretty good nap today and he didn’t even go to bed because he was in trouble. We packed their begs to go to Gam maw’s house tonight. Guh came over for a while and played with them. Gam maw and Ghen Ghen came over and we all went to Temps candle party in her new house. Congrats you guys, it is beautiful! Paw Paw and daddy stayed here with the boys and worked on Taylor’s 4 wheeler. He had no brakes and we thought we had big trouble, but it is just out of brake fluid, that is just how that little teeny thing runs, we will have to monitor it and keep it full. All is fine now and he is ready to ride! Once all us girls got home the boys went with Gam maw and Paw Paw and Jim and I went out on the town. It was after midnight when we got home and that has not happened in a long time!
We have a new friend I would like you to pray for www.caringbridge.org/visit/lillieboyte I have some more new friends, but don’t have the sites in front of me, so be on the lookout for some new friends. Please continue to pray for Taylor and his complete healing against this beast. Pray for all of the families out there that are battling some illness or injury.
Fianlly, we slept late. It was 10:00 before I woke up this morning. Wow, it has been years since I slept that late. I say that like that is something to be proud of. Anyway, I got up and attempted to clean while the kids were gone, but got interested in a Lifetime movie and didn’t get anything done. Jim took off on his bike for some training for the Camp Sam ride of love that he will be particiapting in. You can visit www.campsam.org to get more info on the the ride and stay tuned here for more info on how to sponsor Jim in his ride. He rode 10 miles today which is 140 miles short of the Ride of Love, but 10 miles further than I would have made it. It will take a lot of training, but can you imagine the feeling of pulling into the camp site with all those brave kids watchng and knowing that you did it for them. I know as a parent, what it was like to see them pull in, but this year Jim will get to see if from both sides. Wow! He rode all the way to Paw Paw’s house and then Paw Paw brought him home. We have given him a hard time, but it is all in fun, we didn’t expect him to jump on and got 50 miles. Once they all got back here the boys played outside for hours. They rode every riding toy we own. They are so funny!
Around 3:00 we finally drug them into the house and got cleaned up and went out to eat and to Hobby Lobby to get some cake stuff for Taylor’s Lighning McQueen birthday cake. Taylor has eaten like a horse and even after dinner wanted more to eat, so we swung by the Dairy Queen for some chocolate ice cream. He ate all of his and half of Logan’s. Logan dropped his and it didn’t make too much of a mess, but when I finished cleaning it up and turned to get back in my chair, I saw ice cream on the man across from us pants and shoes. Oops! That wasn’t funny, but he was cute in Hobby Lobby. We were in the silk flower are and he leaned over and sniffed the flowers and said, “mmmm, that smells good.” He is a nut!
We are now home where we are back to normal. Logan is in trouble. He pulled all the little decals off his walls. Those things hung in Taylor’s room for 3 years and he never touched them, they have been in Logan’s room for a week and he has pulled them all off.
Please be in pray for Taylor’s continued success against cancer. Pray for all our friends that are still battling. Pray that 2007 brings the cure!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
6th January 2007
January 5, 2007 Day +1374 Day 1072 off therapy
TGIF! I never thought I would be glad for a Friday that was the end to a vacation, but I am. I love my boys so very much, but I am ready to send them back to school. I have run into several kids from my class in the last few days and I see the same look in their parents eyes!
Today we ran a few errands and then went back home. We didn’t do much of anything. Logan took a pretty good nap today and he didn’t even go to bed because he was in trouble. We packed their begs to go to Gam maw’s house tonight. Guh came over for a while and played with them. Gam maw and Ghen Ghen came over and we all went to Temps candle party in her new house. Congrats you guys, it is beautiful! Paw Paw and daddy stayed here with the boys and worked on Taylor’s 4 wheeler. He had no brakes and we thought we had big trouble, but it is just out of brake fluid, that is just how that little teeny thing runs, we will have to monitor it and keep it full. All is fine now and he is ready to ride! Once all us girls got home the boys went with Gam maw and Paw Paw and Jim and I went out on the town. It was after midnight when we got home and that has not happened in a long time!
We have a new friend I would like you to pray for www.caringbridge.org/visit/lillieboyte I have some more new friends, but don’t have the sites in front of me, so be on the lookout for some new friends. Please continue to pray for Taylor and his complete healing against this beast. Pray for all of the families out there that are battling some illness or injury.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
January 4, 2007
January 4, 2007 Day +1373 Day 1071 off therapy
Hello all. This morning Taylor went back to the dentist to have his filling done. He did great as usual. No tears at any point. He didn’t even know that he got a shot. I have to give credit to Dr. Moulton for that, he is great at giving that shot, you truly never know you got it. It didn’t take long at all. He was cracking me up with that numb lip. We went to eat afterwards and he was dribbling coke all over the place. He ate all his food it just took a long time since he had to chew on only one side. Logan on the other hand was not so good at the dentist. He was kicking a ball over over the place and no matter what trick or threat I used to make him stop he didn’t stop. I finally took the ball away and put it behind the counter and then he pitched an awful fit. I know they were glad to see us leave. We went by Walmart to look for some party goodies for Taylor’s goodie bags, but they didn’t have a lot to choose from. We will have to go to the party store I guess. I had some wrapping paper that was 75% off, but Logan wouldn’t leave it alone. He had half opened a roll and bent another one. I moved them to the bottom of the buggy and he started to scream to give it back, so I put all of it back. He lost it. He was so mad he was shaking. He screamed for the entire time we were in Walmart. He didn’t just cry, he was staning up in the buggy screaming and shaking and jumping. He was furious. Needless to say he fell asleep in the car. I put him in his bed when we got home, but he never went back to sleep. He has been in trouble all afternoon. He just will not listen no matter what it is about. He is so hard headed. I don’t know what else to do. We took a bunch of stuff away when they reused to clean up. It hurt both their feeling really bad. Taylor has kept his stuff pretty much picked up since then, but not Logan. I reminded him that it would be thrown away if he didn’t clean up and he said, “just throw it away, I don’t want to clean up.” What are we going to do?
Once we got back home today we just sat around. I finally did the laundry, but that was about it. Taylor played very nicely in the living room and watched cartoons while Logan spent time in his room for being ugly. He is soon going ot be bigger than Taylor. Taylor is 41 inches tall and 37 pounds and Logan is 37 inches tall and 33 pounds. He is mean as a snake, so it is going to get real ugly real soon. Taylor plays with Logan a good bit. They love to camp and hunt and play cars together, but there are times when Taylor wants to be by himself and play. Logan does not take kindly to that and he will start beating up on Taylor. Sometimes Taylor hits back and other times he just takes it. I guess this is just another part of it all. I, being the only child, don’t get it! I don’t want them to grow up too fast, but I am ready for Logan to be past this age.
Taylor had a funny. He said, “it sure was nice of him (Dr. Moulton, the dentist) to come in and help her (jeanette, the assistant). Too funny!
I guess that is about it for us today. Please be in prayer for Carter Finger as he is in pain and had scans today. www.carterfinger.com Pray for all the families who are still fighting this battle. Pray that 2007 is the year for the cure.
Hello all. This morning Taylor went back to the dentist to have his filling done. He did great as usual. No tears at any point. He didn’t even know that he got a shot. I have to give credit to Dr. Moulton for that, he is great at giving that shot, you truly never know you got it. It didn’t take long at all. He was cracking me up with that numb lip. We went to eat afterwards and he was dribbling coke all over the place. He ate all his food it just took a long time since he had to chew on only one side. Logan on the other hand was not so good at the dentist. He was kicking a ball over over the place and no matter what trick or threat I used to make him stop he didn’t stop. I finally took the ball away and put it behind the counter and then he pitched an awful fit. I know they were glad to see us leave. We went by Walmart to look for some party goodies for Taylor’s goodie bags, but they didn’t have a lot to choose from. We will have to go to the party store I guess. I had some wrapping paper that was 75% off, but Logan wouldn’t leave it alone. He had half opened a roll and bent another one. I moved them to the bottom of the buggy and he started to scream to give it back, so I put all of it back. He lost it. He was so mad he was shaking. He screamed for the entire time we were in Walmart. He didn’t just cry, he was staning up in the buggy screaming and shaking and jumping. He was furious. Needless to say he fell asleep in the car. I put him in his bed when we got home, but he never went back to sleep. He has been in trouble all afternoon. He just will not listen no matter what it is about. He is so hard headed. I don’t know what else to do. We took a bunch of stuff away when they reused to clean up. It hurt both their feeling really bad. Taylor has kept his stuff pretty much picked up since then, but not Logan. I reminded him that it would be thrown away if he didn’t clean up and he said, “just throw it away, I don’t want to clean up.” What are we going to do?
Once we got back home today we just sat around. I finally did the laundry, but that was about it. Taylor played very nicely in the living room and watched cartoons while Logan spent time in his room for being ugly. He is soon going ot be bigger than Taylor. Taylor is 41 inches tall and 37 pounds and Logan is 37 inches tall and 33 pounds. He is mean as a snake, so it is going to get real ugly real soon. Taylor plays with Logan a good bit. They love to camp and hunt and play cars together, but there are times when Taylor wants to be by himself and play. Logan does not take kindly to that and he will start beating up on Taylor. Sometimes Taylor hits back and other times he just takes it. I guess this is just another part of it all. I, being the only child, don’t get it! I don’t want them to grow up too fast, but I am ready for Logan to be past this age.
Taylor had a funny. He said, “it sure was nice of him (Dr. Moulton, the dentist) to come in and help her (jeanette, the assistant). Too funny!
I guess that is about it for us today. Please be in prayer for Carter Finger as he is in pain and had scans today. www.carterfinger.com Pray for all the families who are still fighting this battle. Pray that 2007 is the year for the cure.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
January 3, 2007 Day +1372 Day 1070 off therapy
January 3, 2007 Day +1372 Day 1070 off therapy
Today was just another day. Just as expected, Logan was up at 7:00 and Taylor soon followed. We have to get up and get ready fairly early tomorrow to go back to the dentist, so I am sure they will sleep great tomorrow! We did a lot of nothing today. The boys both cleaned their rooms and then messed them up again. I sorted laundry, but never did anything with it.
We went to Tuscaloosa to eat. Paw Paw is at the hunting club and that is half way for us all. Taylor got mad at me and slouched down in his chair. After a few minutes we started to get onto him to sit up and eat and he didn’t answer. We were sure he was just mad and ignoring us, but no, he was asleep. He finally got up and ate his dinner after a short little nap. He played his PSP that Sanat gave him. I was afraid he wouldn’t know how to use it and not like it, but he caught on quick and loves to play his games. He is a smaart fellow. I tried to play the “Cars” race track game and I hit everything in sight.
We are home now just doing more of the same, nothing. The boys are playing here in the playroom very loudly. They had a power ranger gun fight, They have used the ab lounger chair as a boat (good to know the thing does have a purpose) now Taylor has a hand warmer on his leg as a cast and a slinky on his neck as a brace and is laying in the floor as Logan uses the play vacuum to clean around him. They have imaginations that is for sure.
Please stop by and visit Janie’s page as tomorrow is her angelversary and her dad’s birthday. www.caringbridge.org/al/janiesims Also go by www.averyann.net and watch Avery’s video and see her pictures with Mrs. Nena and hand in paw volunteer. The pictures are great! Avery is headed to Disney and I know she is excited! Stop by and visit Brent Nason’s family, he went to be with Jesus yesterday morning. www.caringbridge.org/ms/brentnason
Tomorrow we will go to the dentist for Taylor’s filling. It should not take but about 30 minutes. We have no other plans for the day, so we will just see what happens. Our break is winding down. I am glad and sad too. I have enjoyed being off and not really ready to jump back into the real world, but at the same time I am sooooo ready to send the boys back to school. Logan will go to the 3 year old class when we go back. He is adament that he is not going, so it should be a very interesting and ugly few days.
Today was just another day. Just as expected, Logan was up at 7:00 and Taylor soon followed. We have to get up and get ready fairly early tomorrow to go back to the dentist, so I am sure they will sleep great tomorrow! We did a lot of nothing today. The boys both cleaned their rooms and then messed them up again. I sorted laundry, but never did anything with it.
We went to Tuscaloosa to eat. Paw Paw is at the hunting club and that is half way for us all. Taylor got mad at me and slouched down in his chair. After a few minutes we started to get onto him to sit up and eat and he didn’t answer. We were sure he was just mad and ignoring us, but no, he was asleep. He finally got up and ate his dinner after a short little nap. He played his PSP that Sanat gave him. I was afraid he wouldn’t know how to use it and not like it, but he caught on quick and loves to play his games. He is a smaart fellow. I tried to play the “Cars” race track game and I hit everything in sight.
We are home now just doing more of the same, nothing. The boys are playing here in the playroom very loudly. They had a power ranger gun fight, They have used the ab lounger chair as a boat (good to know the thing does have a purpose) now Taylor has a hand warmer on his leg as a cast and a slinky on his neck as a brace and is laying in the floor as Logan uses the play vacuum to clean around him. They have imaginations that is for sure.
Please stop by and visit Janie’s page as tomorrow is her angelversary and her dad’s birthday. www.caringbridge.org/al/janiesims Also go by www.averyann.net and watch Avery’s video and see her pictures with Mrs. Nena and hand in paw volunteer. The pictures are great! Avery is headed to Disney and I know she is excited! Stop by and visit Brent Nason’s family, he went to be with Jesus yesterday morning. www.caringbridge.org/ms/brentnason
Tomorrow we will go to the dentist for Taylor’s filling. It should not take but about 30 minutes. We have no other plans for the day, so we will just see what happens. Our break is winding down. I am glad and sad too. I have enjoyed being off and not really ready to jump back into the real world, but at the same time I am sooooo ready to send the boys back to school. Logan will go to the 3 year old class when we go back. He is adament that he is not going, so it should be a very interesting and ugly few days.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Update for January 2, 2007 Http://www.taylorwatts.org
January 2, 2007 Day +1371 Day 1069 off therapy
Oh happy day! I will tell you from the get go that all of Taylor’s pemanent teeth are there and healthy!!! Praise God!
Now for the rest of the day. Of course, since it was a day we had to get up and get out of the house I had to wake up both boys. Turds! Last night Logan was playing with a little beeper from the Dr. kit he got for Christmas. He was putting it in his pocket until I put his pajamas on and he no longer had a pocket. He put it between his pants and his belly. Later on it was gone so I assumed he had thrown it down. I tucked him in and went on about my business. Well, this morning when I took his pajama pants off he looked to be soaked he pull up was so puffy. That would be due to the beeper that was in there!! Yes, he had wet and he seldome does, but since there was a toy in there he did:) I tried to just toss it, but oh no, that was not going to happen. I had to go wash the thing and lucky for me, it still makes that pesky ringing noise! It was so not funny as I tried to hurry and get all three of us ready, but soon I was laughing hysterically at the situation. Here it is 8:45 and we need to leave by 9:30 and I have to finish dressing myslef and Logan as well as wake grumpy up and dress him, feed them, brush teeth and throw in a breathing treatment and I am washing a toy beper that has been peed on. What a morning!
We were actually early believe it or not. It started out great. Patsy came out and talked to Logan and then slowly walked him into the exam room. He hopped up into the chair and was doing great until she put the polisher in his mouth. She called me in and I held his hands while she cleaned about 4 teeth. He then decided that was it and he clamped that mouth shut and that was all she wrote. No tears, no screaming, just a clamped mouth and a very determined look in his eyes. She did not want to force him, so we just let him up. He did not get to pick a toy from the treasuer chest. Of course, we all know that he could have cared less! She did get to look into his mouth. He has a cross bite where his left side the front teeth going front of his top teeth and on the left side they go behind the top teeth. It will be watched, but not addressed until permanent teeth come in, it will probably correct itself with age.
After Logan’s turn in the chair we left for a while. We went to the bank and to eat. We also ran to the Camp SAM office and gave the ladies there a belated Christmas gift. We still had about 2 hours to kill before we had to be back at the dentist, so we did some shopping. We got a baby shower gift bought and then we went to the book store where we bought a chapter book. Mrs. Thornton has been reading them to the class and Taylor wanted to get one to read at bed time. He picked from the clearance rack and got The best Christmas Pageant Ever. He didn’t seem to into it as we read the first chapter, but he will get into it, it is a cute story.
Soon it was time for Taylor’s appointment. He went right on back with no troubles. He was a little scared about how the panorex would work, but we had talked about it and he seemed okay. I knew she would call me if he was scared, so I didn’t worry. She called me again in about 10 minutes and I thought it was to help keep him still or something. Nope, she was done and ready to go over her findings of the x-ray and the cleaning. Wow! His X-ray was great. All the teeth are there, but they are not ready to come in. He has 2 loose teeth on the bottom that will be out within the week she predicts. He has ceased all wiggling after hearing that! Those permanent teeth are right there at the gum line and are ready to come in. However, that is it. It may still be another 2 years before the front two come in and maybe 5 before the back molars (6 year molars) come in. He only has 2 teeth that are not capped and they are molars that have both been filled in the past. One of them needs to be filled again due to normal wear and tear of the teeth. He will not be getting new ones anytime soon, so we need to take care of that sooner than later. We will go back on Thursday to have that filling. I hated to go back so soon, but I wanted to do it while he was still out of school. They say he brushes well and all looked good! I am so relieved to know that his teeth are okay. It may take a few more years, but he will soon have no signs of cancer left. Well, that can be seen just by looking at him. His two scars are under his shirt, so that wont be a problem at school. They get lighter and lighter all the time, so I think that by the time he is old enough to worry about scars ( I guess boys don’t worry about them like girls) they will have faded and shrunk a good bit.
Well, that is it for our fun for the day. Tomorrow is a stay home all day and do nothing day. We all know I wont need to wake the boys up at 8:45 tomorrow, the will be up at 7:00. (insert sarcasm here) Please pray for Evan who went back to Memphis and started chemo today. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
posted in Latest News
Oh happy day! I will tell you from the get go that all of Taylor’s pemanent teeth are there and healthy!!! Praise God!
Now for the rest of the day. Of course, since it was a day we had to get up and get out of the house I had to wake up both boys. Turds! Last night Logan was playing with a little beeper from the Dr. kit he got for Christmas. He was putting it in his pocket until I put his pajamas on and he no longer had a pocket. He put it between his pants and his belly. Later on it was gone so I assumed he had thrown it down. I tucked him in and went on about my business. Well, this morning when I took his pajama pants off he looked to be soaked he pull up was so puffy. That would be due to the beeper that was in there!! Yes, he had wet and he seldome does, but since there was a toy in there he did:) I tried to just toss it, but oh no, that was not going to happen. I had to go wash the thing and lucky for me, it still makes that pesky ringing noise! It was so not funny as I tried to hurry and get all three of us ready, but soon I was laughing hysterically at the situation. Here it is 8:45 and we need to leave by 9:30 and I have to finish dressing myslef and Logan as well as wake grumpy up and dress him, feed them, brush teeth and throw in a breathing treatment and I am washing a toy beper that has been peed on. What a morning!
We were actually early believe it or not. It started out great. Patsy came out and talked to Logan and then slowly walked him into the exam room. He hopped up into the chair and was doing great until she put the polisher in his mouth. She called me in and I held his hands while she cleaned about 4 teeth. He then decided that was it and he clamped that mouth shut and that was all she wrote. No tears, no screaming, just a clamped mouth and a very determined look in his eyes. She did not want to force him, so we just let him up. He did not get to pick a toy from the treasuer chest. Of course, we all know that he could have cared less! She did get to look into his mouth. He has a cross bite where his left side the front teeth going front of his top teeth and on the left side they go behind the top teeth. It will be watched, but not addressed until permanent teeth come in, it will probably correct itself with age.
After Logan’s turn in the chair we left for a while. We went to the bank and to eat. We also ran to the Camp SAM office and gave the ladies there a belated Christmas gift. We still had about 2 hours to kill before we had to be back at the dentist, so we did some shopping. We got a baby shower gift bought and then we went to the book store where we bought a chapter book. Mrs. Thornton has been reading them to the class and Taylor wanted to get one to read at bed time. He picked from the clearance rack and got The best Christmas Pageant Ever. He didn’t seem to into it as we read the first chapter, but he will get into it, it is a cute story.
Soon it was time for Taylor’s appointment. He went right on back with no troubles. He was a little scared about how the panorex would work, but we had talked about it and he seemed okay. I knew she would call me if he was scared, so I didn’t worry. She called me again in about 10 minutes and I thought it was to help keep him still or something. Nope, she was done and ready to go over her findings of the x-ray and the cleaning. Wow! His X-ray was great. All the teeth are there, but they are not ready to come in. He has 2 loose teeth on the bottom that will be out within the week she predicts. He has ceased all wiggling after hearing that! Those permanent teeth are right there at the gum line and are ready to come in. However, that is it. It may still be another 2 years before the front two come in and maybe 5 before the back molars (6 year molars) come in. He only has 2 teeth that are not capped and they are molars that have both been filled in the past. One of them needs to be filled again due to normal wear and tear of the teeth. He will not be getting new ones anytime soon, so we need to take care of that sooner than later. We will go back on Thursday to have that filling. I hated to go back so soon, but I wanted to do it while he was still out of school. They say he brushes well and all looked good! I am so relieved to know that his teeth are okay. It may take a few more years, but he will soon have no signs of cancer left. Well, that can be seen just by looking at him. His two scars are under his shirt, so that wont be a problem at school. They get lighter and lighter all the time, so I think that by the time he is old enough to worry about scars ( I guess boys don’t worry about them like girls) they will have faded and shrunk a good bit.
Well, that is it for our fun for the day. Tomorrow is a stay home all day and do nothing day. We all know I wont need to wake the boys up at 8:45 tomorrow, the will be up at 7:00. (insert sarcasm here) Please pray for Evan who went back to Memphis and started chemo today. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
posted in Latest News
Monday, January 01, 2007
Latest Updates
January 1, 2007 Day +1370 Day 1068 off therapy
Happy New Year!
I still can’t believe that it January 2007. It seems like yesterday that we were all scurrying around town to get water and batteries for Y2K. It seems like yesterday that Taylor was born, diagnosed, Logan was born and on and on. I guess it is true, time flies when you are having fun! I can’t say that all of it has been fun for obvious reasons, but many blessings have come out of it all. Like you all, I wouldn’t know most of you without this sight. Now I assure you I wish we had all met over a website for a better topic, but I am still blessed to have you all in my life, our lives!
Today was another good one. Logan was up fairly early, but I stayed in bed unitl 9:20. I was not asleep, but just laying there all snuggled up. We watched football and hung out at home until it was time to go to Nana’s house for our New Years lunch. I guess I wont be getting rich this year since I skipped the turnip greens. Yuck! Jim ate some, so maybe we will get rich off his helping. I did eat black eyed peas and they bring good luck! I just want a cure for cancer.
You all need to check out Christi’s page. As you may or may not know after her passing they took blood and attempted a cell line from her caner to use for research. There was only a 3% chance of it working, but it did in true Christi style. It has been aptly named, FU NB 2006. There was an article about her and her cell line in their local paper and her mom put it on their page. www.christithomas.blogspot.com Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they find the cure using her cell line!
We had fun at Nana’s. We had a yummy lunch minus the turnips. Logan was tired and grumpy and fell to pieces on several occasions. He finally fell asleep in Guh’s lap. Taylor was mad too and was grumpy, but quickly got over his troubles and had fun playing legos and just being silly with the big boys. Time flew by and it was soon nearing 5:00 and we had to go. We headed for home where we swapped presents with Christian. Logan was still asleep, but once he was awake he was thrilled with his tractors and monster truck. Taylor was excited from the get go about his power ranger with 3 faces!
We are now gearing down for the evening. Both boys have a dental appointment tomorrow. I forgot to go get Taylor’s xrays from Children’s, so hopefully he will make due without them. I don’t see why he needs them from 3 years ago when he is going to do all new ones. Of course, I am not the dentist! This will be Logan’s first trip and I hope it goes well. We will have a break in between and then go back for Taylor’s appointment. I hope it goes smooth. This is his first trip to our family dentist rather than the clinic at Children’s. He has gone with me to my visits for years, so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal for him. He is a little worried about him pulling his tooth, but I assured him they won’t. He better not! Please pray that his permanent teeth were not affected by chemo and he will not need work done. I know that is a small price to pay for his overall health, but it is not a small price to pay based on what he has already been through and missing school and shelling out the money to fix any problems. We will get through whatever it is!
I will update with the results tomorrow. As always, thank you all for all your prayers and support over the years. We couldn’t have made it without you. Here is to a great 2007 for all of us!!!! Please be in prayer for Evan as he heads back to St. Jude. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Janie’s family as her angelversary comes up on the 4th. www.caringbridge.org/al.janiesims Pray for all the kids out there who are fighting this beast. Pray that those who have reached NED can stay there and a cure is found soon!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
31st December 2006
December 31, 2006 Day +1369 Day 1067 off therapy
Can you believe it is the end of another year? Where does the time go? It was over 4 years ago that we were given Taylor’s diagnosis and started this web page. I am sure many think we should let it go, but I can’t. It is therapy to me to write my feelings here and I would like to think that it is bringing hope, wisdom and courage to others going through this journey.
Today I woke up early, darn it, I just can’t sleep late anymore. I got up and kicked my butt in gear. I got the house cleaned up and laundry put away. The boys came home around 1:00 or so. They were so happy even though it was pouring rain, they had a blast on their little trip. Jim pulled all the boxes out of the attick and we took down the tree and all the Christmas stuff. He will have to get to the outside when the rain stops. My living room feels so naked now. I love Christmas and all the fun, but I am so glad all that stuff is put away.
Gam maw and I went to good ole Wal mart for chil fixins and the crew came over tonight for dinner and Balderdash. If you have never played that game, you need to. The boys played cars all night long just as they always do. We went outside to shoot a few fireworks too. Logan is still afraid and jumped in someones arms anytime a noisey one was shot. We only had a few big ones. They did about 6 boxes of sparklers and enjoyed it very much. They were a little sad that they were gone, but we found 3 on the ground, so a little more fun was had.
I put the boys to bed at 10:30. I guess I should have let them stay up at that poit, but Logan did not nap today and we have plans tomorrow too and I don’t want them to be grumpy all day. Taylor is still awake in his bed playing with his PSP. If he is awake at midnight I will let him get up and watch the ball drop. He still recognizes Times Square when he sees it. That kid is like nothing I have ever seen, he forgets nothing! They have already had quite a display. We have an all glass door in the dining room and they sat there and watched the ones that were shot on the street behind us. The sat on the front porch and watched for a while too. They had actually gone to look at stars, but didn’t see any.
It was yet another perfectly ordinary day. I think all in all 2006 was a fantastic year for us. We had a little scare here at the end, but we came through it fine with your Prayers and God’s blessings. May 2007 bring us ALL God’s blessings and a cure!!! Happy New Year!!!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
30th December 2006
December 30, 2006 Day +1368 Day 1066 off therapy
Today the boys went to the hunting club with the 4 wheeler, gator and tractor all in tow. Logan about worried himself and the others to death about rather or not the batteries were in the back. Jim had to go pick up Paw paw and help get the trailer all hooked up and it took longer than the boys thought neccesary and they were getting a little upset. Taylor had pulled up a chair to the window and was watching for them.
I had big plans for cleaning the house and taking down the Christmas stuff while they were away, but I quickly talked myself out of that. I went shopping with Guh and then just hung out at her house and watched the Game show network. I am such a geek! I met up with Gam maw later on in the day and we drove to meet the guys at Buck’s, a hole in the wall steak house that is delicious! While we ate we heard all about the days adventures. Taylor drove his 4 wheeler straight through a mud puddle and stalled it out and got stuck. He was scared! Right now he prefers to ride around the camp area rather than down trails and in the woods. I think I am okay with that! He had a blast though and so did Logan. Logan has been to the hunting club once and it was only to pick something up, they didn’t stay long. This was so exciting for him, he absolutely loved it. I have been waiting so long for them both to be able to go!!! I was worried about Logan thinking he was just too little to go, but he is the same age as Taylor. We have some of the sweetest pictures of Taylor curled up in a shooting house asleep or sittlng in the woods on a log all decked out in camo. Logan is not like Taylor, I don’t think he will ever sleep in a shooting house, but rather yell and kill the hunting for everyone. Paw Paw had both boys with him and they got to fighting, so he gave up hunting and went to let them ride. Logan is like his mama and will not use the bathroom in public places nor bushes, so he “froze up” a few times. He did not have any accidents though, so that is good.
After our yummy dinner Gam maw and I headed for home and the boys headed back to camp to sleep. Logan was thrilled to be “camping”. He never stayed at the “HC” before, but Taylor showed him the ropes. They were so cute leaving home in all camo and sleeping bags in tow. Once I got home I looked at the mess and all the hopes I had for the day and then walked on by. I climbed in my bed and watched TV and read my book until I fell asleep slap in the middle of the bed.
I had a perfectly lovely day and I know my boys had a fabulous day. I am so thankful and blessed! Please pray that Taylor has nothing but fabulous days from now on. Pray for Evan who is still limping. He will head back to Memphis on Monday and hopefully get some asnwers about why he is limping. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for our new friend Jacob who has low counts and that could possibly mean relapse. Pray for all of our friends who are battling this beat called cancer. Pray for those who were missing a loved one this holiday season.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
29th December 2006
December 29,2006 Day +1367 Day 1065 off therapy
I see this is update number 2. It has been a crazy day. Logan woke up with a tummy ache and has had the “poo poo water” as Taylor calls it, all day long. I left a pull up on him for most of the day and it is a good thing. He was trying his best to get to the potty, but didin’t make it. That is the only accident he has had other than his little fit of deffiance last week. He has gone several times today just like Taylor, it is rather sporadic. Taylor has a runny nose and the ever present cough, but other than that he is great. Last night I kept dreaming abiut skidding off the road and then realizing that we were okay. Today Taylor wanted Burger King and then it hit me. One year ago today was our little accident on the interstate. Luckliy for us today went much better. They did give me a hard time though and that caused them to lose their outside time. I went to get a hair cut and they did dine until I got in the chair. Logan was pushing a chair around and around until he got drunk and slammed into the wall. Taylor was jumping up and down on the handle to make it go up and down. I was so mad, but what could I do? They were furious when we got home and they didn’t get to go outside, but oh well. We did watch The Shaggy Dog two times. Taylor loves it!
Tomorrow the boys are heading to the hunting club. I am not sure that there will be much hunting goiing on, but the kids ae thrilled to be taking thier riding toys with them. Hopefullly the rain will hold off and let them have some fun. I will update again as soon as they get back full of stories. Please check in on out friend Evan. He is having some limping issues. Lets all pray that it is from high counts and nothing more. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
29th December 2006
December 29, 2006 Day +1367 Day #1,065 off treatment
Welcome to the new latest news format. Here you can keep up with the same information you always have, but in a different format. You can subscribe to the RSS feed and receive notifications automatically when information is updated. You can also leave comments on each days post if you would like. Don’t forget to Sign Taylors guestbook to let us know you stopped by. We will be posting pictures soon from christmas and some video as well.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
28th December 2006
December 28, 2006 Day +1366 Day #1,064 off treatment
What a crazy day. Jim had to go back to work today, so it was just the boys and me. Logan was up at 6:57, how sweet of him. He was content in his room until about 7:30 when he brought me clothes and wanted to be dressed. I told him we were not going anywhere today and that I would dress him later. He fell apart at that. I told him to go play and I would dress him in a minute. He was mad and slammed his door and cried. It got quiet in a few minutes so I thought he was happy again. I went back to sleep. Taylor woke me up at 8:30 wanting oatmeal. I asked him where Logan was and he said, “asleep.” I had to get up and see that for myself. Sure enough he was sound asleep on his bedroom floor where he stayed until 10:00. Little fart! I guess the hussle and bussle of the last few days finally hit him. Taylor has been a silly goose all day. He danced and sang to all the cartoons he watched. He is so funny. Logan finally got up and ate some oatmeal, but only because I said he had to before eating m&m’s.
We went outside for about an hour and rode the riding toys, but Logan’s battery died and Taylor ran out of gas. We headed back in without too much of a fight. The fight came after we went in. Taylor had a touch of a fever, well, maybe, it was normal within 45 minutes. Anyway, I told him we needed to do some saline in his nose to get some of the gunk out. He was so mad, he hates that and I can not even imagine what it must feel like to shoot water up your nose. I calmed him down and told him that he only has fever due to the sinus infection and if we can get all that out he will feel better and not have fever. I told him if he had fever he would not go outside or to the hunting club this weekend. Well, it worked as far as getting Taylor to do his saline with no trouble, but Logan flipped out. He wanted to go to the hunting club too and I assured him that he would go on Saturday, but he wanted to go NOW! When Taylor was 3 you could reason with him. That is how we started doing things based on numbers of sleeps. Taylor knows that in 2 sleeps he is going to the hunting club. Logan didn’t give a hoot about how many sleeps it was all he heard was he isn’t going today. That took forever to calm him down. Once we got that over with and we tried showing him on the calendar how many sleeps and all, he fell apart again, this time because he didn’t want to go to bed. UURGH, the child is a monster! I ended up putting him to bed. That too was ugly, but even after his long morning nap, he could hardly keep his eys open and was asleep in a matter of minutes. Taylor actually wanted to lay in my bed. I thought it would be like old times where I read a book and he pestered me to find all the 8’s in the book until he fell asleep. Nope, he was at the foot of the bed with his feet hanging over. He was swinging his legs as fast as he could while he watched cartoons. He soon was up and eating a snack although he did do it at the foot of my bed in the floor. I guess I should just be glad he was in there with me at all. He will soon be 6 and I am sure 6 year olds are too cool to hang out with mom!
Taylor and I played his new go fish game. It is a Leap Frog version and it is very cute. He loved it and he also won all on his own. He even cleaned his room without being asked and did it right! I have given up on cleaning. I have picked up the living room about 5 times, but you can’t tell it. I will wait until they hit the hunting club and then do it. We went to Ruby Tuesday’s and used one of our gift cards. It wsa yummy! Taylor had to go poop again while we were there. It was acrtually the only time he went today, but it was water. I guess all the jumk food he has had lately is doing it. I hope so! He has certainly had a lot today. I know he has had a ton of oyster crackers, a cheese sandwich, mac and cheese, oatmeal and is asking at this very moment for noodles. PIG! NOw that we are home we are just haning out. The boys had a great time in the tub. They had two empty bottles that they had a water fight with. You would think we have no toys around here as much fun as they had with something that should have been in the trash. They are still enjoying all their new stuff and actually sharing pretty good. Lets pray that lasts.
It was a nice, normal day. I pray that we continue to have nomral days for many years to come. Tomorrow should be much like today. We have no plans. Since I have given up on trying to clean my house we may vernture out, but not too far. We have dentist appointments for both boys on Tuesday, so we will be out all day that day. I am trying to let them stay home as much as possible for their break. Okay, really I am just too lazy. I am sure next week we will get bored and get out some, but for now we are just staying put.
Please pray for all our friends who are still fighting their fight. Pray that those that are NED can remain that way. Pray for those who are missing a loved one. Pray for those angelversaries coming up. www.caringbridge.org/al/janiesims also check in on Gracie www.caringbeidge.org/al/gracie Pray for Evan to be able to stay home the entire break without any troubles. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Plus the many more. Pray that Taylor has been healed of the beat and never again will have to endure treatmetns.
Taylor's WebPage: http://www.taylorwatts.org
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How this all started/
Happy New Year!
I still can’t believe that it January 2007. It seems like yesterday that we were all scurrying around town to get water and batteries for Y2K. It seems like yesterday that Taylor was born, diagnosed, Logan was born and on and on. I guess it is true, time flies when you are having fun! I can’t say that all of it has been fun for obvious reasons, but many blessings have come out of it all. Like you all, I wouldn’t know most of you without this sight. Now I assure you I wish we had all met over a website for a better topic, but I am still blessed to have you all in my life, our lives!
Today was another good one. Logan was up fairly early, but I stayed in bed unitl 9:20. I was not asleep, but just laying there all snuggled up. We watched football and hung out at home until it was time to go to Nana’s house for our New Years lunch. I guess I wont be getting rich this year since I skipped the turnip greens. Yuck! Jim ate some, so maybe we will get rich off his helping. I did eat black eyed peas and they bring good luck! I just want a cure for cancer.
You all need to check out Christi’s page. As you may or may not know after her passing they took blood and attempted a cell line from her caner to use for research. There was only a 3% chance of it working, but it did in true Christi style. It has been aptly named, FU NB 2006. There was an article about her and her cell line in their local paper and her mom put it on their page. www.christithomas.blogspot.com Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they find the cure using her cell line!
We had fun at Nana’s. We had a yummy lunch minus the turnips. Logan was tired and grumpy and fell to pieces on several occasions. He finally fell asleep in Guh’s lap. Taylor was mad too and was grumpy, but quickly got over his troubles and had fun playing legos and just being silly with the big boys. Time flew by and it was soon nearing 5:00 and we had to go. We headed for home where we swapped presents with Christian. Logan was still asleep, but once he was awake he was thrilled with his tractors and monster truck. Taylor was excited from the get go about his power ranger with 3 faces!
We are now gearing down for the evening. Both boys have a dental appointment tomorrow. I forgot to go get Taylor’s xrays from Children’s, so hopefully he will make due without them. I don’t see why he needs them from 3 years ago when he is going to do all new ones. Of course, I am not the dentist! This will be Logan’s first trip and I hope it goes well. We will have a break in between and then go back for Taylor’s appointment. I hope it goes smooth. This is his first trip to our family dentist rather than the clinic at Children’s. He has gone with me to my visits for years, so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal for him. He is a little worried about him pulling his tooth, but I assured him they won’t. He better not! Please pray that his permanent teeth were not affected by chemo and he will not need work done. I know that is a small price to pay for his overall health, but it is not a small price to pay based on what he has already been through and missing school and shelling out the money to fix any problems. We will get through whatever it is!
I will update with the results tomorrow. As always, thank you all for all your prayers and support over the years. We couldn’t have made it without you. Here is to a great 2007 for all of us!!!! Please be in prayer for Evan as he heads back to St. Jude. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for Janie’s family as her angelversary comes up on the 4th. www.caringbridge.org/al.janiesims Pray for all the kids out there who are fighting this beast. Pray that those who have reached NED can stay there and a cure is found soon!
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
31st December 2006
December 31, 2006 Day +1369 Day 1067 off therapy
Can you believe it is the end of another year? Where does the time go? It was over 4 years ago that we were given Taylor’s diagnosis and started this web page. I am sure many think we should let it go, but I can’t. It is therapy to me to write my feelings here and I would like to think that it is bringing hope, wisdom and courage to others going through this journey.
Today I woke up early, darn it, I just can’t sleep late anymore. I got up and kicked my butt in gear. I got the house cleaned up and laundry put away. The boys came home around 1:00 or so. They were so happy even though it was pouring rain, they had a blast on their little trip. Jim pulled all the boxes out of the attick and we took down the tree and all the Christmas stuff. He will have to get to the outside when the rain stops. My living room feels so naked now. I love Christmas and all the fun, but I am so glad all that stuff is put away.
Gam maw and I went to good ole Wal mart for chil fixins and the crew came over tonight for dinner and Balderdash. If you have never played that game, you need to. The boys played cars all night long just as they always do. We went outside to shoot a few fireworks too. Logan is still afraid and jumped in someones arms anytime a noisey one was shot. We only had a few big ones. They did about 6 boxes of sparklers and enjoyed it very much. They were a little sad that they were gone, but we found 3 on the ground, so a little more fun was had.
I put the boys to bed at 10:30. I guess I should have let them stay up at that poit, but Logan did not nap today and we have plans tomorrow too and I don’t want them to be grumpy all day. Taylor is still awake in his bed playing with his PSP. If he is awake at midnight I will let him get up and watch the ball drop. He still recognizes Times Square when he sees it. That kid is like nothing I have ever seen, he forgets nothing! They have already had quite a display. We have an all glass door in the dining room and they sat there and watched the ones that were shot on the street behind us. The sat on the front porch and watched for a while too. They had actually gone to look at stars, but didn’t see any.
It was yet another perfectly ordinary day. I think all in all 2006 was a fantastic year for us. We had a little scare here at the end, but we came through it fine with your Prayers and God’s blessings. May 2007 bring us ALL God’s blessings and a cure!!! Happy New Year!!!
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30th December 2006
December 30, 2006 Day +1368 Day 1066 off therapy
Today the boys went to the hunting club with the 4 wheeler, gator and tractor all in tow. Logan about worried himself and the others to death about rather or not the batteries were in the back. Jim had to go pick up Paw paw and help get the trailer all hooked up and it took longer than the boys thought neccesary and they were getting a little upset. Taylor had pulled up a chair to the window and was watching for them.
I had big plans for cleaning the house and taking down the Christmas stuff while they were away, but I quickly talked myself out of that. I went shopping with Guh and then just hung out at her house and watched the Game show network. I am such a geek! I met up with Gam maw later on in the day and we drove to meet the guys at Buck’s, a hole in the wall steak house that is delicious! While we ate we heard all about the days adventures. Taylor drove his 4 wheeler straight through a mud puddle and stalled it out and got stuck. He was scared! Right now he prefers to ride around the camp area rather than down trails and in the woods. I think I am okay with that! He had a blast though and so did Logan. Logan has been to the hunting club once and it was only to pick something up, they didn’t stay long. This was so exciting for him, he absolutely loved it. I have been waiting so long for them both to be able to go!!! I was worried about Logan thinking he was just too little to go, but he is the same age as Taylor. We have some of the sweetest pictures of Taylor curled up in a shooting house asleep or sittlng in the woods on a log all decked out in camo. Logan is not like Taylor, I don’t think he will ever sleep in a shooting house, but rather yell and kill the hunting for everyone. Paw Paw had both boys with him and they got to fighting, so he gave up hunting and went to let them ride. Logan is like his mama and will not use the bathroom in public places nor bushes, so he “froze up” a few times. He did not have any accidents though, so that is good.
After our yummy dinner Gam maw and I headed for home and the boys headed back to camp to sleep. Logan was thrilled to be “camping”. He never stayed at the “HC” before, but Taylor showed him the ropes. They were so cute leaving home in all camo and sleeping bags in tow. Once I got home I looked at the mess and all the hopes I had for the day and then walked on by. I climbed in my bed and watched TV and read my book until I fell asleep slap in the middle of the bed.
I had a perfectly lovely day and I know my boys had a fabulous day. I am so thankful and blessed! Please pray that Taylor has nothing but fabulous days from now on. Pray for Evan who is still limping. He will head back to Memphis on Monday and hopefully get some asnwers about why he is limping. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Pray for our new friend Jacob who has low counts and that could possibly mean relapse. Pray for all of our friends who are battling this beat called cancer. Pray for those who were missing a loved one this holiday season.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
29th December 2006
December 29,2006 Day +1367 Day 1065 off therapy
I see this is update number 2. It has been a crazy day. Logan woke up with a tummy ache and has had the “poo poo water” as Taylor calls it, all day long. I left a pull up on him for most of the day and it is a good thing. He was trying his best to get to the potty, but didin’t make it. That is the only accident he has had other than his little fit of deffiance last week. He has gone several times today just like Taylor, it is rather sporadic. Taylor has a runny nose and the ever present cough, but other than that he is great. Last night I kept dreaming abiut skidding off the road and then realizing that we were okay. Today Taylor wanted Burger King and then it hit me. One year ago today was our little accident on the interstate. Luckliy for us today went much better. They did give me a hard time though and that caused them to lose their outside time. I went to get a hair cut and they did dine until I got in the chair. Logan was pushing a chair around and around until he got drunk and slammed into the wall. Taylor was jumping up and down on the handle to make it go up and down. I was so mad, but what could I do? They were furious when we got home and they didn’t get to go outside, but oh well. We did watch The Shaggy Dog two times. Taylor loves it!
Tomorrow the boys are heading to the hunting club. I am not sure that there will be much hunting goiing on, but the kids ae thrilled to be taking thier riding toys with them. Hopefullly the rain will hold off and let them have some fun. I will update again as soon as they get back full of stories. Please check in on out friend Evan. He is having some limping issues. Lets all pray that it is from high counts and nothing more. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
29th December 2006
December 29, 2006 Day +1367 Day #1,065 off treatment
Welcome to the new latest news format. Here you can keep up with the same information you always have, but in a different format. You can subscribe to the RSS feed and receive notifications automatically when information is updated. You can also leave comments on each days post if you would like. Don’t forget to Sign Taylors guestbook to let us know you stopped by. We will be posting pictures soon from christmas and some video as well.
posted in Latest News 0 Comments
28th December 2006
December 28, 2006 Day +1366 Day #1,064 off treatment
What a crazy day. Jim had to go back to work today, so it was just the boys and me. Logan was up at 6:57, how sweet of him. He was content in his room until about 7:30 when he brought me clothes and wanted to be dressed. I told him we were not going anywhere today and that I would dress him later. He fell apart at that. I told him to go play and I would dress him in a minute. He was mad and slammed his door and cried. It got quiet in a few minutes so I thought he was happy again. I went back to sleep. Taylor woke me up at 8:30 wanting oatmeal. I asked him where Logan was and he said, “asleep.” I had to get up and see that for myself. Sure enough he was sound asleep on his bedroom floor where he stayed until 10:00. Little fart! I guess the hussle and bussle of the last few days finally hit him. Taylor has been a silly goose all day. He danced and sang to all the cartoons he watched. He is so funny. Logan finally got up and ate some oatmeal, but only because I said he had to before eating m&m’s.
We went outside for about an hour and rode the riding toys, but Logan’s battery died and Taylor ran out of gas. We headed back in without too much of a fight. The fight came after we went in. Taylor had a touch of a fever, well, maybe, it was normal within 45 minutes. Anyway, I told him we needed to do some saline in his nose to get some of the gunk out. He was so mad, he hates that and I can not even imagine what it must feel like to shoot water up your nose. I calmed him down and told him that he only has fever due to the sinus infection and if we can get all that out he will feel better and not have fever. I told him if he had fever he would not go outside or to the hunting club this weekend. Well, it worked as far as getting Taylor to do his saline with no trouble, but Logan flipped out. He wanted to go to the hunting club too and I assured him that he would go on Saturday, but he wanted to go NOW! When Taylor was 3 you could reason with him. That is how we started doing things based on numbers of sleeps. Taylor knows that in 2 sleeps he is going to the hunting club. Logan didn’t give a hoot about how many sleeps it was all he heard was he isn’t going today. That took forever to calm him down. Once we got that over with and we tried showing him on the calendar how many sleeps and all, he fell apart again, this time because he didn’t want to go to bed. UURGH, the child is a monster! I ended up putting him to bed. That too was ugly, but even after his long morning nap, he could hardly keep his eys open and was asleep in a matter of minutes. Taylor actually wanted to lay in my bed. I thought it would be like old times where I read a book and he pestered me to find all the 8’s in the book until he fell asleep. Nope, he was at the foot of the bed with his feet hanging over. He was swinging his legs as fast as he could while he watched cartoons. He soon was up and eating a snack although he did do it at the foot of my bed in the floor. I guess I should just be glad he was in there with me at all. He will soon be 6 and I am sure 6 year olds are too cool to hang out with mom!
Taylor and I played his new go fish game. It is a Leap Frog version and it is very cute. He loved it and he also won all on his own. He even cleaned his room without being asked and did it right! I have given up on cleaning. I have picked up the living room about 5 times, but you can’t tell it. I will wait until they hit the hunting club and then do it. We went to Ruby Tuesday’s and used one of our gift cards. It wsa yummy! Taylor had to go poop again while we were there. It was acrtually the only time he went today, but it was water. I guess all the jumk food he has had lately is doing it. I hope so! He has certainly had a lot today. I know he has had a ton of oyster crackers, a cheese sandwich, mac and cheese, oatmeal and is asking at this very moment for noodles. PIG! NOw that we are home we are just haning out. The boys had a great time in the tub. They had two empty bottles that they had a water fight with. You would think we have no toys around here as much fun as they had with something that should have been in the trash. They are still enjoying all their new stuff and actually sharing pretty good. Lets pray that lasts.
It was a nice, normal day. I pray that we continue to have nomral days for many years to come. Tomorrow should be much like today. We have no plans. Since I have given up on trying to clean my house we may vernture out, but not too far. We have dentist appointments for both boys on Tuesday, so we will be out all day that day. I am trying to let them stay home as much as possible for their break. Okay, really I am just too lazy. I am sure next week we will get bored and get out some, but for now we are just staying put.
Please pray for all our friends who are still fighting their fight. Pray that those that are NED can remain that way. Pray for those who are missing a loved one. Pray for those angelversaries coming up. www.caringbridge.org/al/janiesims also check in on Gracie www.caringbeidge.org/al/gracie Pray for Evan to be able to stay home the entire break without any troubles. www.caringbridge.org/visit/evanthomason Plus the many more. Pray that Taylor has been healed of the beat and never again will have to endure treatmetns.
Taylor's WebPage: http://www.taylorwatts.org
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